Best Earplugs for Side Sleepers

For the most quiet and restful sleep in noisy environments, especially if you sleep on your side, we strongly suggest the best earplugs for side sleepers. Those are the Mighty Plugs beeswax ear plugs from Beneficial products. We’ve found these plugs the most effective aid, dollar for dollar, drastically cut conversation and sleeping sounds from the other campers in the cabin. They even cut sound from inside the pillow you lay on, and reduce the noise from plastic pillow protectors.  The bed vibrating due to noises from the floor below can be a pesky problem for side sleepers.  But BPI ear plugs reduce it.  Your own breathing is louder than any noises that get into your ears past these wax earplugs.

We’ve tried many other DIY molded plugs during our forty years of big-city living, in close quarters with often noisy neighbors and roommates.

But none work better than the BPI Mighty Plugs earplugs. When inserted properly, these cotton-impregnated earplugs all but stop any noises entering the head through the ear canal including snoring, yawning, lip smacking, and other sleep-related sounds from friends and lovers nearby. We just love these plugs. By far, they’re the best pair of earplugs to combat noise that would otherwise ruin a good night’s sleep.

The Best Ear Plugs for Side Sleepers are Reusable

Mighty Plugs ear plugs are reusable. You can put them in repeatedly each night for a month or more. But once they become too small to keep unwanted noises out of your ears, don’t throw them away! Combine two or more ear plugs together to make one full-sized plug, just like you would mold dough. Warming them for a few seconds in the microwave softens them enough to work with.

Picture of the best ear plugs for side sleepers. BPI Mighty Plugs Ear Plugs, back view, showing usage directions.
Best ear plugs for side sleepers. BPI Mighty Plugs Ear Plugs, back view, showing usage directions.

We highly recommend the best earplugs for side sleepers (BPI wax earplugs) for indoors and outdoors. They’re a cinch to put in and remove. Plus, they last through perhaps thirty to forty uses each. Indeed, they helped save our stability in noisy apartments since 2007. Yes, being side sleepers ourselves, we found these indeed the best ear plugs for side sleepers we’ve ever tried.

Picture of the best earplugs for side sleepers. Pair of Mighty Plugs beeswax and cotton ear plugs, balled up, held in hand.
Best earplugs for side sleepers. Mighty Plugs beeswax and cotton ear plugs, balled up, held in hand.

Why BPI Earplugs are the Best Earplugs for Side Sleepers

Even at summer camp, in a cabin with five other noisy campers, we had no trouble getting to sleep wearing these BPI earplugs. Now we could still hear the occasional door slams and shouts. But these earplugs lowered these sounds to such a whisper-level volume, that sleep still came quickly. Plus, we slept the whole night through. Indeed a tool that will help save your marriage if you’re fighting with your mate due to his noise making. If you can’t stop snoring at the source, then Mighty Plugs are the next best thing for dealing with it. These are the best ear plug for sleeping that we know of. Forget the sleeping pills! Who needs ’em, when you have the high DB noise reduction of wax ear plugs?

After we got used to them, we found them quite comfy. Almost as though there was nothing in our ears at all. Indeed, they don’t interfere with sleep once you get used to wearing them. We got used to ours in a week.

Getting Used to the Best Ear Plugs for Side Sleepers 

Inserting and removing the Mighty Plugs is quick and painless once we took some days to develop the skill of putting them in and taking them out. So, with small effort, even when tired, you can get them into your ears in seconds. Putting them in this fast does not drive sleep away before bed. And, one very nice thing about beeswax ear plugs. They stay put in the ear all night, through even the most restless sleeping. Not like foam ear plugs for us though. These popped out way too much. But with Mighty Plugs, you’ll likely never wake up during the night with your partner’s breathing blasting in your ears because your ear plugs fell out.

Picture of the best earplugs for side sleepers. BPI Mighty Plugs Ear Plugs in supplied plastic case and jar.
Best earplugs for side sleepers. BPI Mighty Plugs Ear Plugs in supplied plastic case and jar.

Because of how easily they mold, with just the warmth of your hands, BPI ear plugs can be shaped to fit the unique curves and crevices of most any male or female ear, large or small. This further makes them more effective. That means again, that you’ll sleep much better with than without them.

The louder the sounds in the bedroom, the better these BPI plugs quiet it. These beeswax and cotton ear plugs lower those loud and sudden bed noises such as the squeaks and creaks heard as people turn over or get up for a bathroom break. They’re great too, when a roommate plays a radio all night. But as long as the music is not too loud, BPI plugs will mute it enough so that it does not bother you.

Where to Buy the Best Ear Plugs for Side Sleepers

Look for these best ear plugs for sleeping on the official Mighty Plugs site, or at, or other online vendors. Get that good night’s sleep that’s all too elusive for so many these days. Shut out today’s noise pollution with these ear plugs. While no ear plug stops all noise, Mighty Plugs Ear Plugs do reduce most common noises.

Related Posts to Best Earplugs for Side Sleepers

  1. Best Ear Plugs for Snoring: Mighty Plugs Reusable Wax Ear Plugs
  2. Sleep Easy™ White Noise Fan Sound Screen Machine Review
  3. Best Earplugs for Music Concerts
  4. Sleep Easy™ White Noise Fan Sound Screen Machine Review
  5. Marpac 580 SleepMate Review, White Noise Sound Machine

References for Best Earplugs for Side Sleepers

  1. BPI Ear Plugs Web Site
  2. Earplugs For Sleeping (The Best Choices For 2018), from
  3. Where to buy BPI Ear Plugs

Revision History

  • 2019-04-23: Added tags and deleted ad code.
  • 2018-05-22: First published.