E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review

Here is our E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review. Now these anchors provide a quick, convenient, and strong means to hang pictures, shelves, mirrors, and equipment on most any solidly supported drywall wall.

We’ve used EZ Ancor Stud Solver anchors on 1950s, 1980s, and 2008-vintage drywall installations. Our pictures thus, indeed hang true to this day.  We’ve never experienced hung objects falling.

EZ Ancor Stud Solver anchors, due to their wide, deep-thread design, really bite into a large area of the drywall. So they distribute the weight over a larger area within the wall than, say, a driven nail or screw.

These anchors come in zinc-coated versions, and both lock tight and stay that way, until you remove them.   For absolute best performance, it’s best to locate them in front of wall studs.  But E-Z wall anchors still support their rated weight even when when you drive them into just drywall.  For even higher total support weight, use two or more anchors across the drywall.

Picture of the front of a box of E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchors.
The front of a box of E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchors.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: Benefits, Features, Advantages, and Pros


Use E-Z drywall anchors to hang everything …

  • Shelving.
  • Coat racks.
  • Blinds.
  • Track lighting.
  • Cabinets.
  • Drapes.
  • Clocks.
  • Pictures.
  • Thermostats.
  • Toilet paper holders.
  • Artwork.
  • Mirrors.
  • Smoke detectors.

Flat Heads

The body head when tightened into the drywall, rests flat against the drywall. This leaves little or no gaps between the hung item and the wall.

Need Few Tools to Install

A number two Phillips head screwdriver and a bit of elbow grease are really all the tools you need.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: These Are Self Drilling

These anchors drive themselves into the wall with just a little turning pressure.  No pre-drilling required therefore.

Drives Into Wood and Drywall

Drive EZ Ancor Stud Solver drywall anchors into wood panel or sheet rock walls.

Drives Into Pre Drilled Holes

This works only for holes smaller than the threaded body of the anchor.  If so, then it will tighten well.

Note though that an EZ Ancor Stud Solver anchor will make that hole bigger.  So if you later must take out the anchor, you’ll also have a larger hole to patch up. Indeed, larger holes are harder to patch than smaller ones.

Work in Hand-Plastered Walls and Stucco Too

Provides a sturdy, durable hold even in older plastered walls.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: Ceiling Hanging

Provides adequate holding power to support ceiling-hung chain lamps, or anything that does not exceed the maximum stated support weight.

Picture of these metal drywall anchors with screws, laying loose.
Picture of these metal drywall anchors with screws, laying loose.

Installation is Fast and Simple

The hardest part of installing these anchors is marking the positions where you want to put them in.  Once that’s decided, installation is a simple matter of driving a big, deep-threaded screw into the wall. Less than two minutes per anchor.

The EZ Ancor Stud Solver Stays Tight

Lasting hold.  Mirrors stay put, for man years as tested, until you actually take them down.  We’ve hung a key hook, using two of these anchors. Now getting a keyhook to stay on the wall is a challenge because…

  • The every-day tension of three sets of heavy keys hanging there.
  • Removal and rehanging of the keys each day.

Yet the hook remains tight after well over five years thanks to these Stud Solver anchors.

No Glue

Many wall hanging devices use a sticky surface.  The problem with this approach is that this…

  • Dries out over time.
  • Stains the wall.
  • Can peel off the paint.
  • The holding power you get is only as strong as the paint on the wall.

But E-Z Ancors on the other hand, thread into the wall directly.  So they are much stronger because threads do not dry out.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: No Stud Needed for Strong Hold

In fact, you need not find beams with a stud-finder at all.  These anchors will drive into wooden studs behind drywall without problems. Or, they also drive into plain drywall with no stud behind.  Yet in either case, they still support their rated weight.

These Wall Anchors Do Not Rust

Made of a zinc dicast metal, these anchors will not create any rust stains on the wall; particularly when used in interior-of-home settings.

Removal is Also Quick and Easy

To take down the item held up by these anchors, do the following.

  1. Un-hang the item.
  2. Then remove the hanger screw from the anchor.
  3. Next, remove the in-wall anchor screw body from the wall.
  4. Finally, Spackle up the hole left behind.

Two Weight Sizes 

You can buy 40- and 50-pound capacities at local Home Depot stores and other home improvement center. These anchors work best on  standard 1/2-inch thick drywall.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: These Are Reusable

The main body of the Stud Solver is completely removable from the wall and leaves nothing behind inside the wall.  These usually come out intact, and can be installed again and again at different locations.

Not too Costly

Buy 50 EZ Ancor Stud Solver anchors for less than $17.  Smaller quantities also available, for lower costs.

Picture of the E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor with screw inserted.
Picture of the E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor with screw inserted.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: Disadvantages, Cons, Problems, Limitations

These Make Holes in Wall

Since these anchors screw into the wall, they leave a hole behind when you take them out.  But you can easily fill in this hole with spackling.  Then, once that dries, cover it over with a bit of paint.  Toothpaste works well as a sort of spackling too in small holes.  In fact, removing the anchor is the easy part. So it patching the hole left behind.  But the hardest part is finding paint that matches the rest of the wall to cover the patched hole.

May be Hard to Tighten

Depending on the drywall, you may have to exert “high torque” to get the anchor all the way in.  But we’ve seen very few cases like this. They usually screw in with little effort.

Do Not Work Well in Metal

Over Tightening can Weaken Holding Strength

Do not drive Stud Solvers too far into the drywall. Drive only as far as it takes to get the flat head flush with the drywall around it.  Driving them further means that some of the threads will come out of the other side. If that happens, then you have less threads inside the drywall.  Less holding threads therefore, means less holding power.  So for max holding strength, do not over tighten.

E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor Review: Our Rating

We’ve hung perhaps ten items on walls with these Buildex E-Z Ancor picture hanging accessories. We found this product easy to install without fear that our pictures would not fall.

This is a very forgiving device.  You need no complicated instructions.  It just works well as long as you drive these wall anchors into either drywall or wood.  Because they spread out the weight, they apply little point-to-point stress on the drywall.  They will not crack a wall unless you exceed the weight limit.   We’re very impressed with this product, and so, rate it at 99 out of 100.

Picture of the anchor head, showing Phillips opening.
Picture of the  anchor head, showing Phillips opening.

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  1. E-Z Ancor    Product Page
  2. Installation Instructions
  3. Where to Buy the E Z Ancor Stud Solver Drywall and Stud Anchor