Picture of the Amazon Echo 2nd generation Alexa speaker, top view, showing the light ring and the volume, mic mute, and action buttons.

Echo Gen 2 Reset Button, Where to Find It

This post shows where the reset button is on the Echo Gen 2 smart speaker. On this speaker though, we find no separate reset button.  Instead, you press the Mic Off and Volume Down (-) buttons on the top of the unit are pressed and held down at the same time to start a factory default reset.  See these in the following picture.

Picture of the Amazon Echo Gen 2 Smart Speaker Reset Button Location. It's a Button Combination of the Mic Mute and Volume Down buttons on the top of the speaker., as circled in purple
Amazon Echo Gen 2 Smart Speaker Reset Button Location. It’s a Button Combination of the Mic Mute and Volume Down buttons on the top of the speaker., as circled in purple.

Unlike the earlier version, the generation 1 original Echo, there is no reset button in a pin hole on the bottom of this unit.  This means that accidental reset is a possibility with this later model.

Why?  Because the Mic OFF and Vol Down buttons are very close together.  So it would be easy to press them both at the same time.  But a short press does not reset the speaker.  Rather, you must hold both these buttons in for a couple seconds.  And even then, the speaker asks if you really want to reset before it actually does reset.  So putting the reset function on the top doesn’t hurt anything that we see.  People still will not reset it by accident very often.

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Other Posts About Echo Gen 2 Speakers

    1. How to Reset Alexa Echo Gen 2 Dot
    2. AC Power Adapter Specs for the Amazon Echo Generation 2 Alexa Smart Speaker
    3. How to Reset Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 2
    4. How to Connect Amazon Alexa Echo Smart Speaker to Bluetooth Speaker
    5. How to Connect Echo Dot 2nd Generation to WiFi

References for Echo Gen 2 Reset Button


    1. 8 Common Amazon Echo Problems, and How to Fix Them Quickly, from Trusted Reviews

Revision History

    • 2019-04-27: Added key word targeting and more tags.
    • 2017-12-07: Originally published.