Picture of the Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs, eight bulb package, front view.

Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb Review

We’ve tested five of the Ecosmart LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs in our apartment dining room chandelier. It looks like they will last as long as CREE bulbs that we’ve used for years prior. If so,  they’ll pay for themselves at least ten times over by the time they reach end-of-life.

Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb Intro

We’ve run these for sixteen hours each day for a couple weeks now. This Ecosmart™ bulb has run throughout much of the day.  It neither flickered nor burned out. And it cost us only $14 for an 8-pack at Home Depot in 2017.

These LED bulbs run with SOME heating. But they don’t get nearly as hot as their hot filament bulbs. They run even cooler than the compact fluorescent lamps as well, that were so popular in the last decade.

Plus, they operate silently, with neither buzzing, humming, hissing, nor whistling. On radios, they’re also quite quiet; generating no detectable RF or EM interference on those most susceptible AM frequencies.

Further, the A19 medium screw-in base lets these LED bulbs fit in almost any standard size fixture.  The A19 bulb format looks like the Edison-style incandescent bulb in size and shape.

This LED bulb also about mirrors it in its low weight.  Gone are those heavy metal heat sinks at the base of many older LEDs.  Good thing too, because these that not only made the buld heavier. But that also raised the shipping costs of the bulbs, due to the extra weight. These Echosmart bulbs though, are quite light. They’re not much heavier than a 60-watt incandescent lamp. So, they’re cheaper to ship.  Thus this, among other factors, yields a much cheaper, state-of-the-art light for the consumer.

Thumbs up to Ecosmart™!    Ecosmart™ has made these LED bulbs significantly more affordable than the CREE models of past years, that we’ve sampled; currently about a sixth of the price per bulb.

Picture of the Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulb, held in hand.
Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulb, held in hand.

Benefits, Features, Advantages, and Pros of the Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb

The Most Popular Power Size, 60 Watts

These bulbs come in 60 watt incandescent equivalent output. Note that this rating IS NOT the amount of power that this bulb actually draws. Rather, it expresses the amount of incandescent lamp light output that you get with this bulb.  That is 840 lumens. So this LED bulb gives the same amount light as incandescent. Yet it only draws 9 watts.  So, this bulb is much cheaper to run than traditional light bulbs.

Way More Light Per Watt than Incandescent Bulbs

At 840 lumens with 9 watts of power draw, you get 93.3 lumens per watt from Ecosmart LEDs.  60 watt incandescent bulbs though only give you 10.83 lumens per watt.  Plus, you get lots of extra heat from them.  So, Ecosmart bulbs are certainly more eco friendly.

Cooler Operation in the Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb

So much more power goes into useful light with Ecosmart bulbs. Much less of it goes to wasteful heat. Thus, this is why LED bulbs give off far less heat. Ecosmart™ bulbs therefore, can be up to 83 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs.

Longer Life

They rate these at 15,000 hours average life expectancy.  If operated for three hours each day, their projected useable lifespan is 13 years.

No Outside Heat Sink

Less metal in these bulbs, owing to the greater efficiency electronics and LEDs themselves.  This also makes handling them while hot much easier.  No surface on this Ecosmart™ LED bulb ever gets so hot as to produce burns.

Well Built

Stands up well to shocks and drops.

The Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb has No Warm-Up Time

You get full brightness almost instantly upon LED turn-on.  Instant on, Instant off.

Great for Damp Locations

Humidity will not destroy these bulbs.  However, we suggest not getting them wet.  Avoid direct rain exposure.

Near Flicker-Free Light

We detect no perceptible flickers, no matter the ambient room temperature. There are reduced brightness fluctuations noticed from things like refrigerators kicking on.  The light output here remains constant through a wide range of input voltages.

Full Brightness, Even in the Cold

Like incandescent lighting, but not like compact fluorescent lamps, Ecosmart™ LED bulbs operate efficiently even in very cold temperatures. You get full luminosity even when the area being lit is freezing cold.

Less light Output Drop Over Time

As incandescent and CFL bulbs run, the filaments inside evaporate.  Then, that metal deposits itself on the inside of their glass envelopes. So, by the time the bulb burns out, its light output has dropped due to the darkened glass. But this does not happen to these LED bulbs. They remain about as bright throughout their lives as they were when new.

The Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb has Decent Color Rendition Index (CRI)

Ecosmart™ LED bulbs offer a CRI of 80.  So, particularly the “daylight” models serve as acceptable photography lighting.  We’ve taken all the pictures in this post using these as a light source.

Very Low Radio Interference

We can find no carrier waves from these bulbs on the AM radio or other medium- and long-wave radio bands.

Less Dust Build Up

With the lower heat output of LEDs, these bulbs attract less dust and dirt. The fine dust that does build up, does not stick as much to these.  Not like it does on incandescent bulbs.


The radiation characteristics is very much like traditional incandescent lighting. These LED lamps spread light around in nearly equal amounts. It goes out in all directions except for right under the bulb, toward the socket.

Frosted Shield

Softens shadows and helps spread the light more evenly.  The bulb itself lights very uniformly; no dark or bright spots on the lighted globe surface.

The Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb is Affordable

These bulbs pay for themselves many times over throughout their lives. Indeed their cost of less than $2 per bulb is less than CFL lamps. Prices have fallen, with quantity deals like the 8-pac discussed here. Gone are the higher single-unit prices.  Before too long, we expect home LED lamp prices to fall below the cheapest spiral fluorescent lamps.

Five Year Warranty

This is shorter than the CREE brand, which offers a ten year warranty.  But still…, pretty darn good.

Picture of five Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs, operating in dining room chandelier.
Five Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs, operating in dining room chandelier.

Disadvantages, Cons, Problems, Limitations of the Ecosmart 60w Daylight LED Light Bulb

Heavier Than “Edison” Light Bulbs

Due to the internal support electronics, these bulbs might weight a little more than a traditional incandescent bulb.  However, with the minimal heat sinking, the Ecosmart™ bulbs are not much heavier at all.

Not Dimmable

This line of bulbs is not compatible with any light dimmers.

Do Not Throw These in Regular Trash

These bulbs, due to the electronics they contain, should be properly recycled.  Dispose of these just as you would any other electronic device.

Our Rating for the Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight White Light Bulb

We’re pleased that Ecosmart™ has created a highly affordable yet energy saving LED product. It’s now practical for most consumers to go green. No need to rob the bank to do that either. With the five year warranty, sub $2 price tag per bulb, and hearty build, this bulb lasts a long time. Given that warranty, we worry less about dropping our bulbs.

These LED bulbs give a full, natural-looking daylight.

Plus, it’s pleasing to see LEDs finally reaching mainstream lighting markets.  Indeed, they sure took their time getting there.  Ecosmart™ has done a good job moving this tech into mass markets.  They have made LEDs a great deal.  So now, it really is worth the cost to upgrade from filament- and fluorescent lights to LED. So we rate the Ecosmart LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulb at 99 out of 100.  A great product.

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  7. LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery

References for Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight Light Bulbs

  1. Ecosmart™ LED Lightbulbs For Sale   at Home Depot
  2. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on Wikipedia

Revision History

  • 2019-08-10: Added key phrase targeting for ‘Ecosmart LED 60w Daylight’, removed ad code scripts, and added more links and tags.
  • 2017-02-12: Originally published.