Picture of the Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 1 smart speaker, front view.

How to Adjust Volume on Amazon Echo 1st Gen Smart Speaker

Shows How to Adjust Volume on Amazon Echo 1st Gen Smart Speaker, in a couple ways. Firstly, you can ask the speaker to raise and lower the volume with voice commands. Or you may rotate the outer ring on speaker top. You can also adjust individual speaker volume from within the Alexa app.   Details for all those methods follow.

How to Adjust Volume on Amazon Echo 1st Gen Smart Speaker:  Voice Commands

One way to adjust volume on Amazon Echo, is to ask her to set it with your voice.  So we’ve set the wake word on our Echo generation 1 speaker to Alexa.  So, the volume setting commands below use that word to get her attention.

Moreover on this speaker, the volume range is zero to ten.  When asking her, use whole numbers between zero and ten.

  • Alexa, raise the volume. [Increases the volume by ten percent.]
  • OK Alexa, lower the volume. [Lowers the volume by ten percent.]
  • Alexa, set volume 5. [Adjusts the volume to fifty percent of maximum.]
  • Hey Alexa, set volume 1. [Sets the volume to ten percent of maximum.]
  • Alexa, set volume 10. [Sets the volume to maximum output.]
  • Okay Alexa, set the volume to 0. [Sets the volume to minimum.]

How to Adjust Volume on Amazon Echo 1st Gen Smart Speaker: With the Ring

Picture of the volume ring, pointed at by the purple arrow, on the Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 1 smart speaker.
Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 1 smart speaker, showing the volume ring at top of unit highlighted.

You may also set the volume by spinning the volume ring, found at the top outer edge of this speaker. We pointed at it with the purple arrow in the picture above.

Turning the ring left decreases the volume in roughly three percent steps, until you reach zero volume (mute). Spinning the ring to the right raises the volume to max (full), again, in three percent steps.

The light pattern around the outer edge of the top of the speaker increases and shrinks in size. Why?  Because this shows UP and DOWN volume setting, as we see next. E.g. The light pattern shows how loud the volume is. A lighted circle all the way around means full volume. A circle with just one light lit, means lowest volume.  In the picture below, the light ring shows that the volume is currently at two thirds of max.  The more lit the lighg ring, the louder the volume.

Picture of the light ring changing amount of brightness as the volume ring is rotated on the Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 1 smart speaker. How to adjust volume on Amazon Echo 1st.
Amazon Alexa Echo Gen 1 smart speaker, rotating volume ring, causing light ring to increase or decrease illumination.

Finally, you can also adjust the volume of the alarms, notifications, and timers via the Alexa app on your mobile device.  Note that this volume setting is separate and independent of the media and Alexa voice volume setting we described above.

Other Posts About Amazon Alexa Echo Speakers

  1. How to Connect Amazon Alexa Echo Smart Speaker to Bluetooth Speaker
  2. Restart Amazon Echo Instructions, How to Restart Amazon Echo Speaker
  3. How to Reboot Amazon Echo Speaker
  4. Original Amazon Echo Smart Speaker Picture Gallery
  5. Spotify Alexa Commands for Controlling Spotify from Echo, Tap, and Dot Speakers
  6. Where is the Reset Button on the Original Amazon Echo Smart Speaker


  1. Echo Support Page at Amazon.com
  2. Where to Buy an Amazon Echo 1st Gen Smart Speaker



