Picture of an iPhone sitting in front of the JBL Charge 3 BT speaker.

How to Connect JBL Charge 3 to iPhone

This post shows how to connect a JBL Charge 3 to iPhone.

How to Connect JBL Charge 3 to iPhone, Step by Step

With your Charge 3 powered OFF (power button is dark), run through this routine to connect it with your iPhone.

Top view of the JBL Charge 3, showing dark -Power- button.
Top view of the JBL Charge 3, showing dark -Power- button.

1. Visit the Home Screen on the iPhone

Firstly, at the lock screen, swipe up from the bottom to bring up the phone’s Home screen. Shown next.

2. Find the Settings App

We found ours on the second page of the home screen, as we show next.

The -Settings- app icon on the iPhone 12 Pro Max -Home- screen.
iPhone -Home- screen showing the -Settings- app.

3. Bring up the Settings App

Tap the Settings app icon.

Screenshot of the -Bluetooth- option on the iPhone 12 Pro Max -Settings- page.
iPhone 12 Pro Max -Settings- page, showing the -Bluetooth- option.

The iPhone then displays the first page of its settings, as we see.

4. Go to the  Bluetooth  Page to Continue with How to Connect JBL Charge 3 to iPhone

Tap the Bluetooth item.  Our Bluetooth screen then displays, similar to the following.

Screenshot of the -Bluetooth Settings- page on an iPhone 12 Pro Max smart phone.
The iPhone  -Bluetooth- page.

Note that our Bluetooth is ON here. If yours shows as OFF, then move the switch item rightward to the ON position as ours is in the last picture.

Now since JBL speaker is currently powered OFF, it does not show up in the Bluetooth devices list. Also, we don’t see it since we’ve never paired this speaker with this iPhone before.

5. Turn On your Charge 3 Speaker

Turn on this unit  by quickly pressing its Power / Pairing button. The speaker then boots and that button starts glowing white or flashing blue, as we see next.

Picture of the glowing white -Power- button on the JBL Charge 3.
The glowing white -Power- button on the JBL Charge 3.

The speaker then powers up and makes a rising guitar strum sound.

But since the iPhone does not know about this speaker, the Charge 3 will not pair with it automatically. The light in the Power  button denotes this not-paired state by glowing white or slow blinking blue.

6. Put your JBL Charge 3 into Bluetooth Pairing Mode

Now, to see the 3 on your mobile device, place the speaker into pairing mode. To do that, press and release the Pairing button.  The speaker then plays the guitar single note pluck in decreasing volume sequence. And that same button starts slow flashing blue.

Picture of the -Power- button is flashing blue that means that pairing mode is active.
The -Power- button is flashing blue that means that pairing mode is active.

7. Find your BT Speaker on your Mobile Device to Continue with How to Connect JBL Charge 3 to iPhone

See the screen shot next. In fact, we found our speaker, as pointed at by the dark blue arrow.

Picture of the JBL Charge 3 showing as Discovered on the iPhone.
The JBL Charge 3 shows as Discovered on the iPhone.

8. Next, Connect with your Speaker

Tap the listed speaker in the Other Devices section of the Bluetooth devices list.

Your iPhone then connects with the Charge (named “JBL Charge 3” in this scenario). The mobile device’s Bluetooth screen then changes to look something like the following.

Screenshot of the JBL Charge 3 showing as Connected on an iPhone.
The JBL Charge 3 showing as Connected on an iPhone.

9. Done with How to Connect JBL Charge 3 to iPhone !

We have now successfully linked this BT speaker. Furthermore, similar procedures work with pairing iPod Touch players, iPad Pros, and any iPhones as well so long as they support Bluetooth. Also, pairing with Android devices works like this too.

Other Posts About the JBL Charge 3

    1. How to Factory Reset JBL Charge 3
    2. JBL Charge 3 Infinity Button Explained
    3. Charge 3 JBL Charger Details
    4. JBL Charge 3 LFM (Low Frequency Mode)
    5. JBL Charge 3 Specs

Related Posts to How to Connect JBL Charge 3 Speaker to iPhone

    1. How to Connect a JBL Charge 2 Plus to iPhone
    2. How to Connect iPhone to JBL Flip 4
    3. Connecting UE Wonderboom 2 with iPhone
    4. How to Connect JBL Go 3 to an iPhone


    1. JBL Charge 3 Official Product Page at ca.jbl.com

Revision History

    • 2022-12-02: Updated links.
    • 2022-09-13: First published.

