You may need to hard factory reset an Amazon Smart Plug to restore proper operation should it stop responding to Alexa commands coming from either your Echo smart speaker or the Alexa app. Or, perhaps you’d like to change the WiFi network and / or password to which this smart plug connects. In either case a hard reset will do the trick.
- Note that a hard reset erases the saved WiFi network information from the plug’s internal memory.
- If your plug is connected to your WiFi and and Amazon account when you perform the factory reset, then the reset also removes the plug from your Amazon account. So, if you’re resetting the plug to get it ready to sell, we recommend this procedure. Again, factory resetting not only clears out the plug’s memory, but also deletes it from your Amazon account.
- Once reset, the Amazon smart plug will no longer connect to your WiFi network. Thus, you will no longer be able to control it via the Alexa app or from your Echo speakers. To restore full operation after a hard reset, you’ll need to set up the plug once more.
How to Factory Reset Amazon Smart Plug Instructions
1. Connect the Amazon Smart Plug to AC Power
Plug the smart socket into a working wall outlet as shown next. The pilot lamp will flash red several times, and either begin flashing blue, or turn off entirely as it does in the next picture.

2. Press and Hold the Action button to Factory Reset the Amazon Smart Plug
Find the Action button highlighted in the next picture, pointed at by the blue arrow. Keep it pressed in, until the light on the front starts blinking red.

You may see the pilot lamp on the front flash a blue and red at first. If so, then keep holding the Action button until the blue stops, and all you see is a red on and off blinking, as shown next.

3. Next, Release the Action Button when Lamp Blinks Only Red
Wait for the light to begin flashing red. You should see no blue in the blinking pilot lamp.
Then, when you release the button, the light then glows a solid red for several seconds while the factory reset takes place.
Finally, the light begins blinking on and off blue (no red here) as seen next.

4. How to Factory Reset Amazon Smart Plug is Now Done !
This means that the factory reset is now complete, and your Amazon smart plug is now ready for setup or sale.
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References for How to Factory Reset Amazon Smart Plug
Revision History
- 2020-03-25: Added more tags.
- 2020-01-26: First published.