Shows How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control, on the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (TCC) site.
How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control: Prerequisite Steps
1. Install your the Thermostat
Skip this step if you already installed your t-stat and it is showing its Home screen. If you haven’t, see our Honeywell Smart Thermostat Wiring Instructions RTH9580WF post. This offers tips on mounting and wiring this new thermostat.
2. Connect Ut to your WiFi Network
Then skip this step if you’ve already done this. But if you haven’t, then see our Change WiFi Network on Honeywell Smart Thermostat RTH9580WF piece. This gives tips on how to link the t-stat to your home or office WiFi network.
3. Create an Account on the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (TCC) Web Site
Thirdly, you’ll need a working account over there to register and control your t-stat remotely. Again, skip this step if you’ve already set up a TCC account. If you have not, then visit the TCC web site here. Then on the login page, click the Create an Account button, and follow the instructions.
4. Gather the T-stat Info to Continue with How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control
So to add your t-stat to your TCC account, you’ll need its MAC address and CRC code. Find this info printed in the manuals that come with a new t-stat. But you may also get it from the t-stat itself, as follows. But if you have this data already, then skip down to Step 5.
How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control: Step by Step
5. Look at the Home Screen

6. Tap the Yellow Message Box
Then find this on the left center of the screen, as shown in the last picture.
So this brings up a Notification screen. This tells you that you must register the thermostat online.

7. Tap the Wi-Fi Setup Button
The Wi-Fi Setup screen displays then, as shown next. Note that in this demo, we connect the t-stat to our 937T681J4059H_2G WiFi network. But nonetheless, it is as of yet, unregistered. Thus you should connect to the WiFi you used in Prerequisite Step 2 above.
Also, we “pink-painted over” our thermostat’s MAC address and CRC value in these pictures for security reasons.

8. How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control: Write Down CRC and MAC Address Shown
Then you will need these values from your t-stat in the steps next, to register it.
9. Visit the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort Web Site
So point your web browser at .
You’ll then see the login screen.

10. Enter your TCC Account User Name and Password
11. Press the red Login Button
You’ll see the next screen if all conditions below are true.
- This is the first time you’ve signed into the TCC web site
- You’ve never set up any locations before.
Furthermore, at that screen, you must set up at least one location in which to register your thermostat. We detail how to do that in the next steps.

But if you already defined this location, then that will appear on the My Locations screen. So skip ahead to step 12 in that case, to continue.

11a. Tap the Black Add Location Button
The Add Location screen then displays, as shown next.

11b. Type in the Info Asked For About the Location you Want to Define
So in our demo, we define a location named Graystone. Enter the location’s name, physical address, region, city, state. But don’t forget to choose the location type (home or building).
11c. Tap the Red Submit Button
Then the site displays the Register Device page. From here, jump down to Step 9 to continue.

12. Tap the Settings Button on the Already-Defined Location
Following, you’ll then see the Edit My Location screen.

13. Tap the Black Add Device Button to Continue with How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control
Find this near the lower left corner of the screen.
This then brings up the Register Device screen.

14. Enter the MAC Address and CRC Value you Wrote Down in Step 4 Above
15. Tap the Red Submit Button
The system then briefly displays the Device Registration In Progress screen as shown next.

So after a few seconds, you get the Thermostat Registration Successful screen, as follows.

16. Tap the Black View Button
This takes you then to your thermostat’s status screen.

17. Done with How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control !
Finally, stop here. Online registration is now complete. So, you may now remote control the Honeywell WiFi thermostat via the internet and the TCC web site or app.
How to Register Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Online for Remote Control: Fixing Registration Problems
Finally, perhaps you received an “already registered” message as you follow the steps above. Then in that case, you’ll need either to,,,
- Contact the previous owner of the thermostat (if you bought it used). Then ask them delete that device from their TCC account.
- Or if you cannot do that, call Honeywell customer service at 1-855-733-5465 for assistance.
- Otherwise, you may be out of luck, since you cannot change the unit’s MAC address and CRC values, which is how the online system uniquely identifies the thermostat.
Other Posts About the Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat
- Honeywell Wi Fi Thermostat Setup
- Solving Connection Problems
- General Troubleshooting Tips
- How to Reset