How to tell if Sony XB31 Bluetooth wireless speaker is charging? This extra bass speaker has an orange LED light on the rear port panel, just above the micro USB power input port, as shown in the following picture. This light that Sony labels as the CHARGE lamp flashes orange when the battery is about dead. So it does tell battery level (to a tiny, non granular degree). E.g. When the speaker is not on the charge and this lamp blinks, it means to CHARGE the speaker because the battery will soon die. But to see if the XB31 is charging, check out this light as well. We explain how to read it next.
How to Tell if Sony XB31 is Charging
Connect your XB31 to USB Power
Of course, you can definitely be certain that the 31 is NOT charging with no charger cord attached .
Check that the CHARGE LED is Glowing Steady Orange
When the speaker is OFF, you can tell if the Sony SRS XB32 is charging if this light glows a solid, non flashing orange. Moreover, this lamp keeps glowing while charging, when the speaker is either ON, paired, or, OFF. Plus, when no charger is connected, this light blinks when the battery is nearly depleted. Otherwise, it is OFF.
If the SRS XB31 CHARGE lamp flashes when the charging cord is attached, then the speaker is likely NOT charging. So you should see that your micro USB cable, adapter charger, and power source (home or car) are all working. To test them, try a new adapter or a known good cord. You want this light glowing steadily to know for sure that the XB31 is charging.

Check Speaker Temperature
Additionally, the the XB31 may warm a little around the micro USB port as the speaker charges. Moreover, most power supplies you recharge it with will also heat a tidbit. In fact, this warming is an excellent sign that the XB31 is indeed charging. If there is some warmth, then the speaker is taking on charge. But no heat likely means no charging either. Note though that there may not be as much speaker warming if you use a lower power charger.
Have the XB31 Tell you Battery Full Percentage as it Charges
As speaker charging advances toward finish, the CHARGE LED continues glowing. But unlike some of the higher grade wireless speakers, the 31 gives no visual reading of just how far along its recharging is, just that the charging is still in progress.
But you can hear how charging is advancing by pressing the BATT button, also found in the rear port panel. Pressing this pushbutton triggers the XB31 to speak the current percentage of charge in the battery, in a female voice.

So as time passes during charging, you can press this button now and then to see if the battery percentage full number is getting higher. If the spoken percentage number goes up over time, then this is another great clue that the the XB31 is indeed charging. But if that number does not change, or if it falls after a half hour or so, then the unit is probably NOT charging.
When the CHARGE LED Goes Out, Charging is Finished
The battery recharge cycle is done when the CHARGE LED goes gray, as we see in the next picture.

Even with the charger cord still delivering power, and when the XB31 is OFF or ON, the CHARGE lamp stops glowing when the battery reaches fullness. We see this in the last picture. The speaker indeed no longer recharges when the battery reaches full charge condition and this light shuts off. Further, if this light shuts off after several hours, then this is another hint that the XB31 was indeed charging while the light was glowing. But if the lamp never goes out, then thiis is another hint that the speaker might not be charging.
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Revision History
- 2023-03-22: First published.