We took these pictures while reviewing, setting up, pairing, and charging our Clip 3. Thus, we offer our JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. Enjoy!
JBL Clip 3 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Picture Gallery
Unpacking this JBL Portable Speaker
JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. Clip 3 speaker package, front view.
The JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker package, back view.
JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker package, back view, showing the sealing tape highlighted.
JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker package, back view, showing the sealing tape removed and the locking flap open.
Picture of the JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker package, back bottom view, showing box lid open.
JBL Clip 3 portable Bluetooth speaker package, showing the sliding out of the box contents.
JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. JBL Clip 3 portable speaker package, unpacked, showing its contents.
The JBL Clip 3 portable speaker package, inner tray bottom view, showing the orange USB charging cable.JBL Clip 3 wireless speaker packaging, showing the included USB charge cable in bag.
JBL Clip3 Waterproof Wireless Speaker Views
JBL Clip 3 waterproof Bluetooth speaker, front view.
Our JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker, front view, held In hand.
JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker, back view, held in hand.
JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. JBL Clip3 waterproof speaker, bottom view, showing the port door seal.
The JBL Clip3 waterproof speaker, showing the power and Bluetooth discovery mode buttons.
JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth Speaker, showing its -Power- button highlighted.
JBL Clip3 waterproof Bluetooth speaker, front view, showing the Play-Pause and Volume buttons.Our JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth speaker reset button combination suggestion. Play-Pause and Volume Up buttons circled.
JBL Clip 3 splashproof speaker, front view. Showing its Play-Pause button highlighted.
JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth speaker, front top view, showing volume controls highlighted.
The JBL Clip3 waterproof speaker, bottom view, showing the port door open, USB charge and audio in ports.
JBL Clip 3 waterproof speaker, bottom view, port door open. showing the USB charging port and audio input port.
Charging the JBL Clip 3 Wireless Speaker
JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth wireless speaker, top view, showing status lamp glowing white.
JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker turned OFF. Showing dark status lamp highlighted.
Our JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth speaker, top view, showing the status lamp glowing shite and highlighted.
JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth wireless speaker, top view, status lamp glowing red.
JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth wireless speaker, bottom view, with USB charge cable plugged in.The JBL Clip 3 wireless Bluetooth speaker, front view, showing the clip held open.
Pairing the JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth Speaker
Our JBL Clip 3 waterproof speaker, showing its Bluetooth discovery mode button highlighted.
Now to the tablet screenshots.
The JBL Clip 3 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker picture gallery. Clip 3 speaker in Bluetooth discovery mode, as seen on an iOS iPad Air tablet.
Clip 3 JBL Bluetooth speaker, paired with an iOS iPad Air tablet, as seen on that tablet.
iOS 11 iPad Air, displaying its -Previously Paired Bluetooth Devices- list, with the disconnected JBL Clip 3 speaker highlighted.
Picture of the iOS 11 iPad Air tablet, showing the JBL Clip 3 Speaker Bluetooth Device Screen. The -Forget This Device- link is highlighted.
Clip 3 portable speaker with a Google Home Mini smart speaker.
Google Home app on iOS, showing its -Pair Your Bluetooth Speaker- screen, with the JBL Clip 3 speaker found and highlighted.
Google Home app on iOS, showing its -Choose Default Speaker- screen, with the JBL Clip 3 speaker highlighted.
Humanware Victor Reader Trek talking GPS player with the JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth speaker.
Amazon Echo Dot 2 talking speaker with a JBL Clip 3 Bluetooth speaker.Amazon Alexa App on iOS, showing its -Bluetooth Setup- screen. Showing the -JBL Clip 3- speaker that the app discovered, highlighted.
Amazon Alexa app on iOS, showing its -Bluetooth Devices- screen, with the -JBL Clip 3- speaker, paired and highlighted.