Product Reviews, Experiences, and Technical Insights from Thomas J. Hesley

  • Sony Cube Speaker Orange Light Stays On

    Sony Cube Speaker Orange Light Stays On

    Many Sony speakers, including the cube speaker, feature a charging status light that glows orange while recharging them. Sometimes though, this light stays on.  E.g. It does not turn off after way more than the specified charge time once you connect the charger.  So in this post, we offer reasons that this can happen, and…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Charge Time

    Sony Cube Speaker Charge Time

    You charge the Sony Cube Speaker via the micro USB charge port, and to get the quickest charge time and fullest charge, use a medium current USB charger for fastest yet most economical results. Details follow. Sony Cube Speaker Charge Time: How Long to Fully Recharge According to the specs for this speaker the time…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Charging Time

    Sony Cube Speaker Charging Time

    You charge the Sony Cube Speaker via the micro USB charge port, and to get the quickest charging time and fullest charge, use a medium current USB charger for fastest yet most economical results. Details follow. Sony Cube Speaker Charging Time: How Long to Fully Recharge According to the specs for this speaker the time…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Charger Type

    Sony Cube Speaker Charger Type

    An adequate Sony Cube Speaker charger type, is a USB wall or auto charger adapter that delivers enough stuff to fully recharge this speaker in the least amount of time (around 4 hours). So be sure to use a charger that can deliver enough of the goods. Also, this Bluetooth speaker has a micro USB…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Factory Reset Instructions

    Sony Cube Speaker Factory Reset Instructions

    Explains the Sony Cube Speaker factory reset instructions, to return this cube speaker to its default fresh-out-of-the-box settings. Factory resetting restores the cube to default factory state. Plus, it erases any earlier paired Bluetooth devices from its memory. Clearing these stops this speaker from pairing to said devices whenever they come into range. Additionally, you…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Buttons Guide

    Sony Cube Speaker Buttons Guide

    The Sony Cube Speaker has several buttons across its top panel, including the Volume, Phone, and Power-Pairing buttons.   We also have the Add and Reset buttons at the rear of the unit. So here we offer our Sony Cube Speaker buttons explained guide.  We show you where each control is on the speaker, explain its…

  • How to Turn Off Sony Cube Speaker

    How to Turn Off Sony Cube Speaker

    We explain how to turn off the Sony Cube Speaker personal style model unit here.  Now most speakers have a Power button that Sony prominently places on the top of this unit so it’s easy to locate.  Indeed, this speaker is no exception to this pattern, as we see in the next picture. There’s also…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Hard Reset Instructions

    Sony Cube Speaker Hard Reset Instructions

    Explains the Sony Cube Speaker hard reset instructions, to return this BT speaker to its default fresh-out-of-the-box settings. This hard resetting restores the cube to default factory state. Plus, it erases any earlier paired Bluetooth devices from its memory. Clearing these stops this speaker from pairing to said devices whenever they come into range. Additionally,…

  • How to Tell if Sony Cube Speaker is Charging

    How to Tell if Sony Cube Speaker is Charging

    How to tell if Sony Cube Speaker personal Bluetooth speaker is charging?  This little yet powerful speaker has an orange LED light on the back panel, on the bottom edge of the unit, as shown in the following picture.  This CHARGE light flashes orange when the battery is nearly dead. So it tells battery level…

  • Sony Cube Speaker Firmware Update Instructions

    Sony Cube Speaker Firmware Update Instructions

    Covers the Sony Cube Speaker firmware update instructions for this portable Bluetooth speaker.  But we know of no way to upgrade the firmware on this speaker. Further, there are currently no firmware downloads listed for this speaker on the Sony web site.  Nor do they provide any details for this in the included manuals. So…