Bluetooth Speakers

Pairing Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10

This post explains pairing the Sony Bluetooth speaker SRS XB10 Extra Bass model, with typical mobile devices including the iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad line of Apple phones, media players, and tablets

Pairing Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10, Step by Step

With your SRS XB10 powered OFF (power button is dark), run through this routine to pair it to your source BE mobile device. We’re using an iPad Air tablet for this demo.

1. Go to the Home Screen on your Mobile Device

Firstly, press the Home button to reveal the smart device’s Home screen.

2. Find the Settings App

We found ours on the second page of the Home screen, as shown next.

iOS -Home- screen with the -Settings- app highlighted.

3. Bring up the Settings App

Thirdly, tap the Settings app icon.

The smart device then shows the first page of its settings, as shown in the next step.

4. Go to the Bluetooth Settings Page

Our Bluetooth Settings screen displays as follows. Note that our Bluetooth is enabled here. But since our Sony SRS XB10 speaker is currently powered OFF (is not in Bluetooth discovery mode), it does not show up in the Bluetooth devices list. Also, we don’t see it since we’ve never paired this speaker with our mobile device before.

5. Turn On your Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10

Switch on the XB10 by quickly pressing its  Power  button. See this, pointed at by the green arrow, in the next picture.

The Sony SRS XB10 Bluetooth speaker -Power- button.

The speaker then powers up, and its status lamp slowly blinks white.  This means that it’s ready to receive a Bluetooth connection request.

But since our iPad does not know about this speaker, the SRS XB10 will not pair with it automatically.

Showing this wireless speaker powered ON, and the Status lamp glowing.

6. Put the Speaker into Discovery Mode

Now, to see your XB10 speaker on your device, place the speaker into Bluetooth discovery mode. So to do that, press the Power button, and release when the speaker beeps.

E.g. Find this control as shown in the next picture, pointed at by the green arrow.

When you press the Power button, the SRS XB10 makes a couple beeps. Also, the status lamp changes from a slow flashing white to fast flashing white.

7. Find the Speaker on your Mobile Device

See the screen shot next. In fact, we found our XB10, as pointed at by the green arrow.

iPadOS Bluetooth Settings screenshot, showing the Sony XRS XB10 Bluetooth speaker as discovered.

8. Pair with your XB Speaker

Tap the listed speaker in the discovered devices list.

Your mobile device then pairs with the SRS XB10.

E.g. The the mobile device’s Bluetooth Settings screen might then change to look something like the following.  Note the now-connected SRS XB10 entry, as pointed at by the green arrows in the next screenshot.

The iPadOS Bluetooth page, showing the speaker paired.

9. Done with Pairing Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10 !

At last, we have now successfully paired our XB10 with with a common mobile tablet device.

Other Posts About the Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10

    1. Reset Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10

Related Posts to Pairing Sony SRS XB10 Bluetooth Speaker

    1. Pairing Sony Speaker to iPhone
    2. Sony Cube Speaker Pairing Instructions
    3. Sony Speaker SRS XB12 Pairing Instructions

References for Pairing Sony Bluetooth Speaker SRS XB10

    1. Sony Bluetooth Speakers Product Page at

Revision History

    • 2022-03-04: First published.

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