Screenshot of an iOS Bluetooth Settings page. Showing the Wonderboom 1 as Discovered but not paired.

Put Wonderboom in Pairing Mode

To link the Wonderboom with a Bluetooth source device for the first time, or to reset the connection information on that device, you must know putting it in this mode.  This makes the Wonderboom call out its Bluetooth name and current linkage data on the BT airwaves.  So in this post, we give the put Wonderboom in pairing mode directions, so you can connect it to phones, tablets, computers, and smart speakers.

Put Wonderboom in Pairing Mode: Step by Step

1. Turn On the Wonderboom

First, turn on the Wonderboom by pressing its  Power  button once.

See this button in the next picture.

Picture of the Wonderboom top view. Showing the dark -Power- button.
The Wonderboom top view. Showing the dark -Power- button.

The unit then powers ON. Further, the lamp on the top panel glows steady white, depending on Wonderboom’s current battery charge state. This light may blink red if your battery is close to dead.  But for this exercise, we assume a full battery.

Picture of the glowing -Power- button on the Wonderboom.
The glowing -Power- button on the Wonderboom.

Yet whether the speaker is paired or not, you can start pairing mode as follows.

2. Press the Pairing Mode Button and Release when the Pairing Lamp Starts Quickly Flashing

Now, to be able to find your speaker on your source Bluetooth device, place it into pairing mode. For that, press and hold in the Pairing button, until the speaker makes rising pitch sound.

Picture of the -Pairing Mode- button.
The -Pairing Mode- button.

When you press this button, the speaker makes a rising plunka-dunka-dunk dunk pairing sound. Plus, the top panel Pairing Mode lamp inside the Pairing Mode button starts quickly blinking white.

3. Done !

Next, while the Pairing Mode light is blinking, you should see your Wonderboom 1 on any in-range phone, computer, tablet, or smart speaker, as shown next.

Screenshot of the iOS Bluetooth Settings page, showing the Wonderboom as discovered in pairing mode.
iOS Bluetooth Settings page. Showing the Wonderboom as discovered in pairing mode.

Other Wonderboom Posts

    1. How Long to Charge
    2. Power Button Not Working Fixes
    3. How to Reset
    4. How to Connect Two of These
    5. Adjust Volume Procedure

References for Put Wonderboom in Pairing Mode

    1. Official Wonderboom Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the Wonderboom