Picture of the Amazon Echo Dot Gen 2 in Setup Mode, showing Light Ring with orange blip circling.

Reset Echo Dot

The Echo Dot smart speakers need a hard reset now and then.  This restores them to their out-of-box, factory default states.  This also corrects many abnormal behaviors in these speakers.  So, we show you how to reset Echo Dot in this piece.  Why?  Because this often corrects erratic behaviors in these speakers, and prepares them for transfer / sale to another person.  You can reset both the original as well as the 2nd generation Dot speakers as follows.

Reset Echo Dot 1 Factory Default Instructions

Picture of the Echo Dot 1st generation speaker, front top view.
Showing the 1st Generation Dot , front top view.
  1. Power up the Echo 1.  Connect the 1st Gen Echo Dot to its USB power supply.  The light ring will illuminate blue for a time, and then go out once the unit finishes booting.
  2. Press the Echo Dot 1 reset button.  Once the light ring goes dark, use a straightened paper clip to press and hold the recessed Reset button.  Keep pressing for five to ten seconds. Then, release when the light ring turns orange, and then blue.
  3. Wait for hard reset to finish.  After a several-seconds pause, the light ring goes completely dark for a few seconds, and then turns orange.
  4. Reset now finished.  You have now restored your Echo Dot 1st Generation speaker to its factory default settings.  The speaker enters setup mode after a successful reset.
  5. Set up again, or pack up.  You may now give your Echo Dot 1 to a loved one or buyer.  Don’t worry that they’ll access your personal Alexa settings in your Amazon account.  Reset erases those prior values from your speaker.  Or, you can set it up once again on your existing account. Once the light ring turns orange, the unit remains in setup mode until someone executes the published setup procedure.  The Echo Dot will not function until properly set up and linked to an Amazon account.

Reset Echo Dot 2 to Factory Default State Instructions

Picture of the Echo Dot 2nd Gen speaker, out of box, with protective plastic removed. Ready for reset.
Showing the 2nd gen Echo Dot speaker, out of box, with protective plastic removed. Ready for reset.
  1. Connect to power.  Connect the Echo Dot 2 to its USB power adapter.  The light ring will illuminate blue for a time, and then extinguish, indicating that boot up has finished.
  2. Press the reset button combo.  See our  Where is the Echo Dot Reset Button  post, for details on how to find the reset button on the 1st and 2nd generation Echo Dot devices.  Anyway, once the light ring goes completely dark, press and hold the Mic Mute and Volume Down buttons.  Press these at the same time for the same amount of time.
  3. Wait for reset to complete.  After a several-seconds pause, the light ring goes completely dark for a few seconds, and then turns orange.
  4. Reset now finished.  You have now successfully reset your Echo Dot 2 speaker to its factory default settings.  It has now entered setup mode.
  5. Set up or pack up.  You may now unplug, pack, and give your Echo Dot to someone else.  Have no fear that they’ll access to the Echo settings on your personal Amazon account.  Those prior values have now cleared from your Echo Dot.  Or, you can set it up once again on your existing account. Once the light ring turns orange, the unit remains in setup mode until someone executes the published setup procedure.  The Echo Dot will not function until properly set up and linked to an Amazon account.
  6. Done!

Related Posts

  1. How to Reset Alexa Echo Gen 2 Dot Back to Factory Default State
  2. Reset Echo Spot to Factory Settings, How To Hard Reset
  3. JBL Xtreme Reset Instructions – How to Reset JBL Xtreme Speaker
  4. How to Change Amazon Echo Dot Wake Word
  5. AC Power Adapter Specs for Amazon Alexa Echo Dot 2 Smart Speaker

Other Posts About Echo Dot Speakers

  1. Amazon Dot WiFi Setup Instructions
  2. Alexa Echo Dot Spotify Instructions, Setup, Play
  3. Restart Echo Dot, How To Restart Amazon Dot
  4. Connect JBL Speaker to Echo Dot, How To
  5. Deregister Echo Dot Instructions, How to Deregister Amazon Alexa Speakers


  1. How to Set Up your Echo Dot   from Amazon
  2. Where to Buy an Echo Dot


