Tag: Bathroom Cleaner Reviews
Soft Scrub Oxi Cleanser Review
You apply and clean with Soft Scrub Oxi Cleanser just as you would use other Soft Scrub soft kitchen and bathroom cleanser products. But with this oxi action cleaner, you get the added benefits of oxygen cleaning. So this product often works better than the others at getting out some stains such as grape juice,…
Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleaner Review
Gives our Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleaner Review here. Now We used the various versions of this product for decades now. And we find it the versatile, effective but not terribly abrasive liquid cleaner. Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleaner Review: Intro Here are our detailed thoughts about this handy household cleaning product. Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleaner Review:…
Soft Scrub Anti Bacterial Cleanser Cleaner for Bathroom Review
Gives our Soft Scrub Anti Bacterial Cleanser Cleaner for Bathroom Review here. Now We used the various versions of this product for decades now. And we find it the versatile, effective but not terribly abrasive liquid cleaner. Soft Scrub Anti Bacterial Cleanser Cleaner for Bathroom Review: Intro Here are our detailed thoughts about this handy…
Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleanser Review
Gives our Soft Scrub antibacterial review here. Now We used the various versions of this product for decades now. And we find it the versatile, effective but not terribly abrasive liquid cleaner. Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleanser Review: Intro Here are our detailed thoughts about this handy household cleaning product. Software Antibacterial Cleanser Review: Benefits, Features,…
Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner Review
The SC Johnson company bought the rights to manufacture this cleaning product from the Dow Chemical company in the late 1990s. This Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner review covers the ups and down of this spray tub and shower cleaner. But though this brand changed hands, the great performance of this cleaner did not suffer. We…
Lysol Foam Bathroom Cleaner Review
Fast acting. Low odor. Economical. Low skin irritation. Hard to rinse. These phrases describe Lysol Power Foam Bathroom Cleaner, which we review in detail here. Indeed, in spite of its seemingly inert-smelling formula, we noted very rapid cleaning performance. We’ve used this spray for a year or so, and found it to work wonders in…
Lysol Power Foam Bathroom Cleaner Review
Fast acting. Low odor. Economical. Low skin irritation. Hard to rinse. These phrases describe Lysol Power Foam Bathroom Cleaner, which we review in detail here. Indeed, in spite of its seemingly inert-smelling formula, we noted very rapid cleaning performance. We’ve used this spray for a year or so, and found it to work wonders in…
Great Value Bathroom Cleaner Foaming Spray Review
We find this Great Value disinfectant foaming bathroom cleaner is low cost yet it works very well. Use it in tubs, showers, and vanity sinks. It’s cheaper to buy than the more name brand products. Yet in our view, it cleans just as well. We used many versions of the Scrubbing Bubbles brand cleaner for…