Tag: Dot Alexa
How to Restart Alexa Dot
We show here how to restart any Alexa Dot. Restarting, otherwise known as rebooting, often corrects unexpected errors and behaviors that these devices may show. How to Restart Alexa Dot: No Power Button Since none of these speakers that have come out so far have a power on / off button, you restart these assistants…
How to Reboot Alexa Echo Dot Smart Speakers
We show here how to reboot an Alexa Echo Dot series smart speaker if it behaves strangely, stops answering commands and questions, puts out unusual sounds, and so on. And since Alexa speaker rebooting is so easy, then before getting into any pro level troubleshooting, always try a speaker reboot first. This often straightens out…
How to Reboot Echo Dot Smart Speaker
You may need to know how to reboot a speaker in the Echo Dot line if it behaves strangely, becomes non responsive to commands and questions, puts out unusual sounds, and so on. And since Alexa speaker rebooting is so easy, then before getting into any complicated troubleshooting, always try a speaker reboot first. This…
How to Reset Alexa Dot 3rd Generation Speaker
Here, we show how to reset the Alexa Dot 3rd Generation speaker to return it to its factory default settings. So why would you ever reset ? Because you may desire to sell or give this unit to another person. Or, connect it to a new Amazon account. Or sync it to a new WiFi…