JBL Charge 5 Speaker Red Light Stays ON

The Charge 5 has a red light that glows white or blinks red when its battery is almost dead. Now we find this lamp in the battery level bar on the front of the unit. But sometimes though, this light stays red or flashes for longer than normal periods.  E.g. It starts blinking during play … Continue reading JBL Charge 5 Speaker Red Light Stays ON

How to Connect JBL Charge 5 Speaker to iPhone

Shows how to connect JBL Charge 5 speaker to an iPhone. How to Connect JBL Charge Speaker 5 to iPhone: Step by Step With your Charge 5 powered OFF (power button is dark), run through this routine to connect it with your iPhone. 1. Visit the Home Screen on the iPhone Firstly at the lock … Continue reading How to Connect JBL Charge 5 Speaker to iPhone

JBL Charge 5 Speaker Doesn’t Turn ON

Sometimes a JBL Charge 5 speaker Doesn’t Turn ON, unless you plug it in. So this likely means one or more things.  First, your speaker might be faulty beyond repair. Or the battery no longer recharges due to age or heavy use. Or finally, you mistakenly put your speaker into service mode a.k.a. secret or … Continue reading JBL Charge 5 Speaker Doesn’t Turn ON

JBL Charge 5 Speaker Charging Indicator

The JBL Charge 5 speaker has a charging indicator in its front lower area. This displays battery status. Whether it’s draining or charging.  So it displays charging progress. Or it shows how full the battery is at a given time while charging. It also tells you how much “juice” the battery has left as the … Continue reading JBL Charge 5 Speaker Charging Indicator

JBL Charge 5 Speaker Won’t Turn ON !

Sometimes a JBL Charge 5 speaker won’t turn on, unless you plug it in. So this likely means one or more things.  First, your speaker might be faulty beyond repair. Or the battery no longer recharges due to age or heavy use. Or finally, you mistakenly put your speaker into service mode a.k.a. secret or … Continue reading JBL Charge 5 Speaker Won’t Turn ON !

JBL Charge 5 Speaker Battery Indicator

The JBL Charge 5 Speaker speaker has a battery indicator in its front lower area. This displays battery status. Whether it’s draining or charging.  So it displays charging progress. Or it shows how full the battery is at a given time while charging. It also tells you how much “juice” the battery has left as … Continue reading JBL Charge 5 Speaker Battery Indicator