
Affresh Laundry Machine Cleaner

This piece details our experiences with Affresh laundry machine cleaner. Plus, we list its pros and cons that we found…

2 weeks ago

Sleep Easy White Noise Fan Sound Screen Machine Review

Review of the Sleep Easy white noise fan sound screen machine. Now this sound conditioner can run most every night…

3 weeks ago

Gain Washing Machine Cleaner Review

Once upon a time, we were new to front loader high efficiency (HE) washing machines. And in those early days,…

3 days ago

Tide Washing Machine Cleaner Review for HE

New to front loading washing machines back in 2013, we did not know how smelly they can get.  So we…

6 months ago

Sleep Easy Sound Machine Review

The Sleep Easy white noise fan sound screen machine  can run most every night in bedrooms and nurseries as well as…

4 weeks ago

Marpac 580 SleepMate Review

We've bought the  Marpac 580 SleepMate white noise sound conditioner for review.  We then ran it for a few months in the bedroom, without…

4 weeks ago

Affresh Laundry Machine Cleaner Review

Tthis Affresh laundry machine cleaner review details our experiences with it. Plus, we list its pros and cons that we…

2 weeks ago

How to Use Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner

We describe here how to use Affresh washing machine cleaner, based on the information on the box.  Furthermore, we add…

7 months ago

Marpac Dohm Serious Sleep SS Review

We've owned a few copies of the Marpac Dohm Serious Sleep SS Sound Conditioner for decades now, and so we…

4 weeks ago

Dohm DS White Noise Machine Review

We've owned a few copies of the Dohm DS white noise machine for two decades, and review it here. We…

4 weeks ago