
How to Pair Victor Reader Trek with Google Home

The Victor Reader Trek GPS navigator, eBook player, podcatcher, and web radio can connect to most any Bluetooth speaker.  This…

6 months ago

How to Pair Victor Reader Trek with Bluetooth Speaker

The Victor Reader Trek GPS navigator, eBook player, pod catcher, and internet radio now can connect to most any Bluetooth…

6 months ago

How to Change WiFi on Victor Reader Trek

This post covers how to change WiFi on Victor Reader Trek.  The Victor Reader Trek GPS navigator and eBook Player…

7 months ago

Victor Reader Stream New Generation Review

Humanware's Victor Reader Stream New Generation audio book and text file reader, has some seriously extended capabilities as compared to…

7 months ago

Victor Reader Stream 303 Review

This is our   Victor Reader Stream 303 review. Now this  eBook player from Humanware, revolutionized high performance coupled with near micro miniaturization, when released in…

2 months ago