Sony Extra Bass 31

Sony SRS XB31 Charging Indicator

The Sony SRS XB31 Charging Indicator is a small LED lamp in the rear button panel. Find it just beneath…

3 months ago

Sony SRS XB31 Won’t Turn On

Many a Sony speaker offers truly portable operation via their lithium ion batteries inside. And when said battery dies, you…

6 months ago

Sony XB31 Power Output

The XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient power output to fill…

6 months ago

Sony SRS XB31 Watts RMS

The SRS XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient RMS watts to…

6 months ago

Sony SRS XB31 Power Output

The SRS XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient output power to…

6 months ago

Sony XB31 Watts

The XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient music watts to fill…

6 months ago

Sony XB31 Watts Output

The XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient output watts to fill…

6 months ago

Sony SRS XB31 Watts

The SRS XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient music watts to…

6 months ago

Sony XB31 Watts RMS

The XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient RMS watts to fill…

6 months ago

Sony SRS XB31 Watts Output

The SRS XB31 Sony Bluetooth speaker is a moderate to medium power, desktop style unit with sufficient output watts to…

6 months ago