Picture of the Samsung Sky Pro J7 Galaxy smart phone, showing its -Powering Down- screen.

Turn Off Samsung J7

In this piece, we give the Turn Off Samsung J7 procedure for this Galaxy phone.  No toggle power switch on the J7.  So powering it down is a little more involved than simply throwing a switch, but not much harder.  It’s simple.

Turn Off Samsung J7: Step by Step

1. Find the J7’s Power Button

Firstly, locate the power button on the J7, as highlighted by the green arrow in the next picture. It’s on the top right edge.

Picture of the Galaxy J7 smart phone, right side view, showing Power-Wake-Sleep button highlighted.
The Galaxy J7 smart phone, right side view, showing Power-Wake-Sleep button highlighted.

2. Press and Hold Power Button Until Screen Changes

Next, press and hold the   Power   button until the Power Off / Restart / Emergency Mode choices screen appears.

This screen is as shown next.

Picture of the phone's -Power- screen, with the OFF button highlighted.
Showing the phone’s -Power- screen, with the OFF button highlighted.

3. Touch the   Power Off   Button to Continue with Turn OFF Samsung J7 Procedure

Thirdly, tap the red Power Off button, shown in the last picture.

Then, the Power Off confirmation screen comes up, as shown next.

Picture of the -Power Off- screen with the red -Power Off- button highlighted.
The -Power Off- screen with the red -Power Off- button highlighted.

4. Again, Tap the   Power Off   Button

Finally, tap the large, red   Power Off button, as pointed at by the green arrow in the last picture.

The phone then powers down, as shown next.

Picture of the J7 phone, showing its -Powering Down- screen.
The J7 phone, showing its -Powering Down- screen.

After several seconds, the phone completely shuts down. It’s screen then goes totally dark, as shown next.

Front view picture of the smart phone, powered off.
Front view of the smart phone, powered off.

5. Done with Turn Off Samsung J7 !

If your J7 phone’s screen went totally dark and blank, as ours did in the last picture, then you’ve successfully shut down your Sky Pro TracFone.

Other Posts About the Samsung J7

    1. How to Restart TracFone Galaxy J7 Sky Pro Android Phone
    2. Power Off Computer Pros and Cons
    3. Unboxing the J7 Sky Pro TracFone Smart Phone
    4. How to Force Restart the J7 Phone

References for Turn Off Samsung J7

    1. Samsung Official Support Page
    2. Where to Buy a Samsung J7 Galaxy Phone