Picture of the Honeywell RTH9580WF smart thermostat, displaying its -Please Enter Your Password- Screen, with passcode 2752 entered.

Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat Instructions

Many Honeywell Home Thermostat models, have a lock screen mode. This  keeps anyone from messing with t-stat settings without first putting in a password.  You set this pass code when locking your t-stat.  Then, to unlock it, it prompts you to enter this secret code. And doing so again grants full access to settings. These include WiFi, temperature, scheduling, and other HVAC settings.  So here we give instructions on Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat.  We show this on the RTH9580WF programmable WiFi thermostat.

This demo begins with our t-stat locked.  We also assume that the t-stat is showing its  Home   page.

Picture of the Honeywell Home thermostat, front view after initial setup.
The Honeywell Home  thermostat, front view after initial setup.

Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat Instructions, Step by Step

1. On the Home Screen, Tap the  MENU  Option

Find the   MENU   button in top right corner of that page.  Note that even when the t-stat in lock mode, the   MENU  button still works.

This then displays the main menu page.  But you might have to press the down-arrow button several times to reach the Security Settings option.

The next picture shows the main menu, already scrolled, to show the   Security Settings   item.

Picture of the thermostat displaying its main menu, with the -Security Settings- option highlighted.
The thermostat displaying its main menu, with the -Security Settings- option highlighted.

2. Tap the   Security Settings  Option

A password protected Honeywell Home Thermostat then shows the   Please enter your password   prompt screen, as shown next.

Picture of the -Please Enter Your Password- screen, with no passcode entered yet. Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat.
The -Please Enter Your Password- screen, with no passcode entered yet.

3. Enter the Pass Code

Enter the code you assigned when you created the password.  In this scenario, our security code is 2752.  So, we enter the correct digit for each slot with the UP and DOWN arrows above and below each position.

Again, Unlocking allows access to the Security Settings menu. There you can either fully unlock, partially lock, or remove the password altogether.

Picture of the -Please Enter Your Password- Screen, with passcode 2752 entered.
The -Please Enter Your Password- Screen, with pass code 2752 entered.

4.  Press the   Done   Button to Continue with Unlocking your Honeywell Home Thermostat

Tap   Done   once you’ve punched in the pass code, the thermostat then shows the  Security Settings  screen, as shown next.

From here, you could choose either of the following.

    • Delete the Security Settings password.
    • Change the lock mode while leaving the existing password in place.

You need not remove the password to unlock the thermostat. Nor must you change the lock mode in order to remove the password.

Picture of the -Security Settings- screen, showing the -Remove Password- button with the -Change Lock Mode- button highlighted.
The -Security Settings- screen, showing the -Remove Password- button with the -Change Lock Mode- button highlighted.

5. Tap the  Change Lock Mode   Button

This then displays the   Change Lock Mode    screen, that shows the  Fully Locked   option highlighted in blue.

Picture of the -Security Settings- screen, with the -Unlocked- button highlighted. Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat.
The -Security Settings- screen, with the -Unlocked- button highlighted.

6. Tap the  Unlocked  Button

This unlocks the thermostat and returns you to the  Security Settings  screen, as shown next.

Picture of the -Security Settings- screen, with the -Previous Menu- button highlighted.
The -Security Settings- screen, with the -Previous Menu- button highlighted.

7. Tap the   Previous Menu   Button

So this returns you to the  main menu.  Note that all menu items are now available.  So verify this by scrolling down through them.  If you see the following items such as…

    • Create Schedule.
    • Color Themes.
    • Preferences.
    • Temporary Schedule Changes.
    • WiFi Setup.
    • System Setup.

If you do see these, then you have indeed unlocked your Honeywell Home Thermostat.

Picture of the unlocked form of its -Main Menu- screen, scrolled down to show unlocked Home thermostat options.
The unlocked form of the-Main Menu- screen, scrolled down to show unlocked Home thermostat options.

8. Done with Unlocking Honeywell Home Thermostat Instructions !

Finally, you are now free to change any setting you wish on the main menu.  Thus thermostat Unlocking is now complete.

Other Honeywell Home Thermostat Posts

    1. How to Turn OFF Schedule
    2. How to Calibrate
    3. How to Wire with 4 Wires
    4. Register Honeywell Home Thermostat — How to Do It
    5. How to Reset WiFi


    1. Official Honeywell Home Thermostat Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the Honeywell Home Thermostat