Picture of the Wonderboom 1 top view. Showing the -Bluetooth Pairing- button.

Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing

This post explains how to avoid the Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing problem, by giving the correct way to pair it. This shows pairing to a typical smart device so that you may play music on that device and have it come through the Wonderboom Speaker. Start with your Wonderboom Speaker shut OFF (all dark LEDs). Then, follow along for pairing it with phones, tablets, laptops, media players, et al.

Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing: The Right Way to Do It

1. Visit the Home Screen of your Smart Device

Press the Home button to get to the  Home   page.  See our screen as shown next.

3. Find the   Settings   App

We found ours on the second page of the  Home  screen.

The -Settings- app icon on the iPhone -Home- screen.
iPhone -Home- screen showing the -Settings- app.

3. Bring up the Settings App

Tap the Settings app icon.  Find this pointed at in the last picture.

The iPhone then displays the first page of its  Settings  screen, as shown in the next screenshot

Screenshot of the -Bluetooth- option on the iPhone -Settings- page.
iPhone -Settings- page, showing the -Bluetooth- option.

4. Go to the  Bluetooth Settings  Page to Continue with Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing Solution

Tap the  Bluetooth  item, as pointed at by the green arrow in the last screenshot.

The Bluetooth Settings screen then appears as follows. Note that our Bluetooth should be switched ON here.

But since the 3 is currently OFF, it does not show in either the  My Devices  or  Other Devices lists on the tablet yet,  Why?  Because we have yet to connect it with this device for the first time.  Plus, the 3 is not yet transmitting its Bluetooth connection info. See this scenario, that appears as shown next.

Screenshot of the Bluetooth page in iPhone settings.
The Bluetooth page in iPhone settings.

Note in this picture that no Wonderboom Speaker appears yet.

5. Power Up your Wonderboom Speaker

Turn on the unit by quickly pressing its  Power  button. See this button, pointed out in the next picture.

Picture of the Wonderboom Speaker top view. Showing the dark -Power- button.
The Wonderboom Speaker top view. Showing the dark -Power- button.

The 3 then comes on, and announces this with a rising electronic sound.  The Power button also lights up, as we see next.

Picture of the white glowing -Power- button.
The white glowing -Power- button.

If the 3 does not come on, then see our  Wonderboom Speaker Power Button Not Working Fixes piece to solve this.

6. Put your Wonderboom Speaker into Discovery Mode

Now, to see the 3 on your iPhone, place it into BT discovery mode. For that, press and hold the Bluetooth button located as we see in the next picture. It’s on the top, at the twelve o’clock position in he buttons panel. Release the button when you hear the rising plunks sound.

Picture of the -Bluetooth Pairing- button.
The -Bluetooth Pairing- button.

Also, a lamp in this button starts quickly flashing white.

7. Find your Wonderboom Speaker on your Smart Device

See the picture next. We found ours, as pointed out next.

Screenshot of the Bluetooth page, showing the Wonderboom Speaker as discovered but not connected.
The Bluetooth page, showing the Wonderboom Speaker as discovered but not connected.

8. Pair with your Wonderboom Speaker

Tap the listed speaker in the  Other Devices  section of the  Bluetooth Devices  list, shown above. If the unit does not appear on the source device, try moving it closer, powering it off and then back on again. Or at worst, you may have to reset the Wonderboom Speaker.

Your device then connects with the 3 (appears as “WONDERBOOM 3” in this demo).

The  Bluetooth Settings  screen then changes to display something like the following.

Screenshot of the Bluetooth Settings page again,  but now showing the Wonderboom Speaker as Connected.
The Bluetooth Settings page again,  but now showing the Wonderboom Speaker as Connected.

Note that the Wonderboom Speaker now appears as connected, as pointed out in the last picture.

9. Done with the Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing Answer

Lastly, we have now successfully paired the 3 with the test  source device.  So now, audio output from that device now plays on the 3.

Other Wonderboom Speaker Posts

    1. How to Turn ON
    2. Charger Details
    3. How to Charge

References for Wonderboom Speaker Not Pairing

    1. Official Wonderboom Speaker Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the Wonderboom Speaker