Picture of the JBL Xtreme Bluetooth speaker powered on and paired, with its blue glowing Power button highlighted.

JBL Xtreme 1 Power Button Not Working Fix

When the Power button on your JBL Xtreme 1 speaker is not working, this implies one or more causes as follows…

    1. The speaker is broken beyond repair. In this case, get a replacement speaker.
    2. The battery no longer recharges due to age, heavy use, or repeated overcharging. To solve this, replace the battery.
    3. Your charger cable is broken. To solve this, swap in a working charger for the suspected bad one. The speaker should then power up once more if the AC adapter was at fault.
    4. You accidently put your speaker into service mode a.k.a. weird or secret mode.

So, assuming that all the hardware and software in your Xtreme 1 is still okay, we cover here the last possibility. Thus, we describe below how to get your speaker out of service mode, and return it to proper operation.


JBL Xtreme 1 Service Mode Explained

First, when in this mode, the Xtreme 1 does not power ON unless you connect an external power source such as the included AC charger adapter. Thus, it will not run on the internal battery while in Service mode.  Furthermore, when you do apply outside power, it powers ON without you pressing the Power button.  I.e. It comes on as soon as you apply power to the DC input port on the back of the speaker.

Also, you cannot turn off the Xtreme 1 while it is in Service mode, unless you disconnect the external power source. And then, it powers off without pressing the Power button.  So when this service mode is active, the Power button appears to not work.

Finally, none of the buttons seem to work in Service mode, except for the ones needed to exit service mode.  E.g. The speaker won’t pair with any devices or other speakers when you press the Pairing button, and as mentioned, the Power button does not switch it off either.

How to Initiate Service Mode

This is what you may have done by accident at some point just before the Power button not working problem first cropped up… To turn on this Service mode, power ON the speaker first. And then press the Connect+ and Volume UP buttons at the same time, until the speaker powers OFF, which usually takes ten seconds or so.

Find these buttons pointed out in the next picture. Note that you can enter this mode as long as the speaker is running, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s connected to external power or not.  Also note that these buttons are very close to (beside) each other.  So it’s easy to press them both by accident, especially with the Volume Up button is such a popular control. But keep in mind that once in this mode, you won’t be able to exit it without first connecting the external charger cable.

Top view picture of the JBL Xtreme speaker, with the -Connect- and -Volume UP- buttons highlighted.
Top view of the JBL Xtreme speaker, with the -Connect- and -Volume UP- buttons highlighted.

How to Fix the Power Button Not Working on the JBL Xtreme 1

Now you can restore proper operation by exiting this mode. But note that when this Service mode is in effect, then to switch it back off, you must connect external power to do that. Why?  Because when in Service mode, the speaker won’t power up without outside power. And you can’t change modes without switching on the unit first.  So you need the AC adapter to perform this fix.

    1. So, connect your Xtreme to AC power and turn it ON.
    2. Then, with the speaker Power button glowing, you press and hold the Connect+ and Volume UP button combo for ten seconds or so, until the unit powers off.
    3. Then, normal speaker operation returns.

Finally, at this point, the Xtreme 1 Power button should work again, whether or not you connect the power supply.

Related Posts to JBL Xtreme 1 Power Button Not Working

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    2. JBL Xtreme 3 Power Button Not Working Fix
    3. Charge 5 JBL Power Button Not Working
    4. Charge 4 JBL Speaker Power Button Not Working Fix
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Other Posts About the JBL Xtreme 1 Wireless Speaker

    1. JBL Xtreme 1 Charger Specs
    2. How to Put JBL Xtreme 1 in Pairing Mode

References for Power Button Not Working on the JBL Xtreme 1 Speaker

    1. JBL Xtreme 1 Wireless Powerbank Speaker Product Page at JBL.com

Revision History

    • 2023-01-25: First published.



