Picture of the Honeywell wireless thermostat, displaying its -Lost Wi-Fi Signal- message.

Change Honeywell Thermostat WiFi

You might need to Change Honeywell Thermostat WiFi. Why? Perhaps you moved it, and the WiFi it worked with before is now out of range. So in this post, we cover how to reconnect a typical Honeywell smart thermostat to a WiFi network.  We offer how-to, step-by-step instructions to get your thermostat working fully again.

Perhaps you have changed the name of your home WiFi network. Or perhaps you changed your WiFi network router and didn’t set your new router’s network name and password exactly the same as were the ones on the old router set. Or, you may want to connect the t-stat to a new access point in your home. For all of these cases, you can reconnect a Honeywell thermostat to WiFi by following the how-to directions below.

Picture of a common Honeywell WiFi thermostat, front view after initial setup. Reconnecting Honeywell thermostat RTH9580WF to WiFi network,
Honeywell WiFi thermostat, front view, after initial setup.

Change Honeywell Thermostat WiFi: Step by Step

For sure, Honeywell really improved the WiFi setup routine for this smart t-stat. Indeed, you no longer must reconnect to it via a tablet or phone to update the WiFi network settings. Instead, you can now set up the entire WiFi link via the touchscreen menu system on many models. Here’s how.

1. Enter WiFi Setup mode

First of all, switch from normal to WiFi setup as follows. Press the Menu button at the top right of the Home screen, as shown above.

Then, scroll with the arrow keys at right, through the main menu. Stop scrolling when you see the WiFi Setup button, as shown next.

Picture of the Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat menu, with the WiFi Setup button circled.
Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat menu, WiFi Setup button circled.

Next, press the WiFi Setup button, circled in red in the above pic. The WiFi setup screen then displays, as shown next. Note that we have blanked the t-stat MAC address and CRC values, to preserve its anonymity. Also note that normally, this screen shows the status of the connected WiFi network. But here, the OurHouse1 network is not in range (no signal). So we’re going to discard the OurHouse1 info, and replace it with an in-range WiFi network in the following steps.

Picture of a Honeywell smart t-stat , displaying the WiFi Setup screen.
Honeywell smart t-stat , displaying the WiFi Setup screen.

2. Disconnect the T-stat from its Current WiFi Network

Then press the Disconnect from Network button. The WiFi Network Disconnect Confirmation screen appears, as follows.

Picture of the WiFi Network Disconnect Confirmation prompt screen.
The WiFi Network Disconnect Confirmation prompt screen.

Press the green Yes button.

After a pause, the system lets you know that it disconnected from the old WiFi network, as shown next.

Picture of a Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat , displaying the Network Disconnected screen.
A typical Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat , displaying the Network Disconnected screen.

Then, press the green OK button in the lower right corner of the screen. This takes you back to the main menu, as shown next.

3. Find the WiFi Setup Button

From there then, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the menu to the Wi-Fi Setup button.

Picture of the menu, showing the WiFi Setup button circled.
The menu showing the WiFi Setup button circled.

4. Tap the WiFi Setup Button

Then, press the red-circled WiFi Setup button. When no network information resides in the t-stat, pressing Wi-Fi Setup starts a scan for in-range WiFi networks.

Then, a brief message displays, telling that the network scan is in progress.

Then, most Honeywell smart thermostats list the in-range WiFi networks they find, on their Select Wi-Fi Network screen, as follows:

Picture of a Honeywell thermostat, showing the -Select WiFi Network- screen.
A Honeywell thermostat, showing the -Select WiFi Network- screen.

5. Find your Desired WiFi Network

Then, tap the network in the list to which you wish to connect the smart t-stat. So in our case, we’re connecting to the 937T681J4059H_2G wireless network. The WiFi Password Entry screen then appears, as follows.

Picture of the WiFi Network Password Entry screen.
The WiFi Network Password Entry screen.

6. Change Honeywell Thermostat WiFi: Enter WiFi Password if Asked For

Next, use the displayed virtual keyboard to enter your password. Then, to enter numbers and punctuation characters, press the ?123 key. Why? Because this switches the keyboard to number entry mode.

The password characters appear as you type them. So do this when no one is  looking.

7. Connect to the WiFi Network you Picked

Once you enter the password characters, press the green Done button.

The WiFi t-stat then tries to connect to the chosen WiFi network. While reconnecting, it displays the following screen.

Picture of the Connecting To WiFi Network screen.
The -Connecting To WiFi Network- screen.

Then, if no errors happen, the system reconnects to the WiFi network you picked.

Then it displays the following screen. It shows the name of the wireless network that the t-stat now connects with.

A typical Honeywell remote controlled t-stat, showing the WiFi Connection Successful screen.
A typical Honeywell remote controlled t-stat, showing the WiFi Connection Successful screen.

8. Register the Thermostat Online for Remote Access If You Haven’t Already

Next, press the green OK button.

Then, the Register Online for Remote Access screen displays, as shown next.

Now perhaps you already registered your t-stat. If so, then you need not register it again, so long as you have not unregistered it. Note that reconnecting to a new WiFi network does not unregister a Honeywell thermostat.

Picture of the Register Online for Remote Access screen.
The Register Online for Remote Access screen.

Then, press the green Done button.

The system then returns to the Wi-Fi Setup screen. But this time, the connected network settings appear, as shown in the next shot.

Picture of the WiFi Setup Screen with the network connected successfully.
The WiFi Setup Screen with the network connected successfully.

Next, press the green Done button.

Then, the t-stat takes you back to the main menu, as shown below.

Picture of a Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat menu, with the WiFi Setup button circled.
A Honeywell WiFi smart t-stat menu, WiFi Setup button circled.

Then from there, press the Home button at the top left corner of the Main Menu screen, to return to the Home screen, as shown next.

Picture of the t-stat, front view after initial setup.
Front view of the t-stat after initial setup.

9. Done with Change Honeywell Thermostat WiFi

Finally, your Honeywell smart thermostat now links to your new WiFi network. You’ll see that when the outdoor temperature and humidity settings update soon thereafter.  So, you’ve successfully reconnected your Honeywell wireless thermostat to your new or updated WiFi network.

Other Posts About Honeywell Thermostats

  1. Honeywell RTH9580WF Thermostat Review
  2. How to Activate Permanent Hold
  3. Unregister Honeywell Thermostat Instructions
  4. How to Cancel Schedule
  5. Honeywell Touchscreen Thermostat RTH7600D Review

References for How to Reconnect Honeywell Thermostat to WiFi

  1. Where to Buy a Honeywell Thermostat
  2. RTH9580WF Wireless Thermostat Product Page