Pressure Cookers

Instant Pot WiFi Setup Instructions

When you get a new Instant Pot, it’s so tempting to just dive right in and make the best tasting recipes around, in the shortest time.  But this electric pressure cooker need some preps before you can use it to the fullest.  Indeed, if you take the time to learn how to connect it to the internet, you’ll then be able to check on and control the cooking remotely, from anywhere that you have internet access.  So in this piece, we give Instant Pot WiFi setup instructions that cover how to get it online using its companion Instant Pot app.

Instant Pot WiFi Setup Summary

  1. Plug your Instant Pot into AC Power
  2. Put it into APP Mode
  3. Connect Mobile Device to 2.4 Ghz WiFi Network with Internet Access
  4. Install the Instant Pot App
  5. Run the Instant Pot App
  6. Select your Instant Pot Model
  7. Create a New Instant Pot Online Account in the App
  8. Allow the App to Send you Notifications
  9. Name your Pot and Create a Password for It
  10. Connect your Smart WiFi Instant Pot to your WiFi Network
  11. Select your Instant Pot Model — Pick the Smart WiFi Cooker
  12. Begin Using your Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot WiFi Setup, Step by Step Instructions

1. Unpack your Instant Pot and Connect it to AC Power

The WiFi Instant Pot, plugged in and powered ON.

2. Put the Instant Pot into APP Mode

Set the pressure cooker to APP (ready for setup) operation by pressing the Pressure Level button for approx. ten seconds.

You should then see the the word APP on the LCD display, as shown next.

Front view of the pressure cooker, showing what the LCD screen looks like in APP mode.

3. Connect Your Mobile Device to the Same 2.4 Ghz. WiFi Network you Plan to Setup your Instant Pot On

The Instant Pot app transfers the WiFi network credentials for the network your mobile device is currently connected to, to the pressure cooker’s memory during setup.  The pot does not scan for available WiFi networks the way many other smart devices do.  Instead, it relies on your mobile device to do the scanning, and then to tell it which network it should log into.  This means that your mobile device as well as the pressure cooker, must be in range of the WiFi network you want. It also means that before you begin the setup routine, you must connect your mobile device to that same wireless network.

Note also that this Instant Pot can only connect to 2.4 Ghz. wireless G WiFi networks. So, be sure to log your mobile device into 2.4 Ghz. WiFi before you proceed to the next step.

The network you choose should also have internet access.

4. Install the Instant Pot App to your Mobile Device to Continue with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

The app is named Instant Pot, and is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.  Note that the app that controls  this  pressure cooker is a different app than that for the Bluetooth version of the Instant Pot.  So be sure you install the correct app.  We’ve included an App Store screenshot next, that shows exactly what the download page for the correct Instant Pot app looks like.

Instant Pot app in the App Store, circled.

The right app has a red and white icon with a picture of an Instant Pot inside its red boundary.

5. Find the Instant Pot App Once Installed

You may run it right from the App Store page after installation finishes.  Or, yo can pick it up later by finding in your mobile device Home pages.  We’re running this demo on an iPad Air tablet, and we found the Instant Pot app on the recent used app shortcuts bar, as pointed at by the green arrow in the next picture.

The iOS -Home- page with the -Instant Pot- app icon highlighted.

6. Run the Instant Pot App

Tap the Instant Pot app icon to start it up.

You then should see the app’s Welcome screen, as shown in the next picture.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -Welcome- page, with the -Continue- button highlighted.

7. Tap the Continue Button to Proceed with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

Touching Continue brings up the  Select Model  screen, as shown next.

The -Select your Instant Pot Model- screen, with the -Smart WiFi- model highlighted.

8. Tap the  Smart WiFi Icon

Find the Smart WiFi cooker in the list of Instant Pots that the app presents to you, as shown in the last screenshot above.  The  Smart WiFi  cooker is pointed at by the green arrow in that picture.

Touching the  Smart WiFi  model brings up the  Connect Smart WiFi  screen, as shown next.

The -Connect Smart WiFi- page, with the -Continue- button highlighted.

9. Tap the Continue Button

Find the  Continue  button near the center of the screen, but just a little bit closer to the bottom.

Touching Continue then brings up the first   Your Account  screen, as pictured next.

The -Your Account- page, with the -Continue- button highlighted.

The Your Account page tells us that we must sign up to connect your Instant Pot to the internet.

10. Again, Tap the Continue Button to Move Forward with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

This time, the   Continue   button is almost exactly in the center of the  Your Account  page.

When you tap it, you should get the  Create Your Account   page, as shown next.

The -Create Your Account- page, with the -Sign Up- and -Sign In- links highlighted.

Now if you already have an account, tap the Sign In link near the bottom center of the Create Your Account page shown in the last picture.  Then, skip ahead to step  14.  If not though, continue on with the next step.

11. Enter your Name, Email Address, and Password you Want for the New Account

After you type in this info, your screen should look something like the following.  Note that we’ve blanked out the name and email address we used.  But you can till that these fields are indeed filled in.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -Create Your Account- screen with the new account Info boxes filled in. The -Sign Up- button is highlighted.

12. Tap the  Sign Up  Button

Once you enter your preferred email address, password, and name to use to create the new Instant Pot account, touch the  Sign Up  button, found just beneath the center of the screen, as pointed at by the green arrow in the last screenshot.

The app then displays the   Consent Notice   page, as shown next.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -Consent Notice- prompt, with the -I Agree- link highlighted.

Read over the agreement, and if you agree, then move on to the next step.  If you don’t, then exit the app.  Note that you’ll still be able to use your Instant Pot, but not its remote access features.

13. Tap the  I Agree Link to Continue with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

This link is red in color, formed from rather small print. So it may be hard  to find if you’re vision impaired or using a screen reader.  But you can find it just left of center screen, about one third the way down from the top of the screen.

At any rate, touching the   I Agree  option brings up the   Signup Complete  window, as pictured next.

Instant Pot app on iOS, showing its -Signup Complete- window, with the -OK- button highlighted.

14. Tap the  OK Link

The OK link is very close to center screen, but just a hair beneath it.

Touching  OK  then brings up the  Instant Pot Would Like to Send You Notifications   window, as shown next.

Instant Pot app on iOS, showing its-Send Notifications Prompt for Permission- window, with the -Allow- button highlighted.

15. Tap the  Allow  Link

Find the   Allow  link a little to the right of center screen in the screenshot above, pointed at by the green arrow.

Following the  Allow   link brings up the   Secure and Name Pot   page, as shown next.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -Secure and Name Pot- page.

16.  Enter a PIN code for your Pressure Cooker

Enter a security key that’s at least six characters long.  We made the mistake of entering just four characters, as shown next.  The  Continue  button remained unavailable.

Instant Pot app on iOS, showing its -Secure and Name Pot- screen, with all fields filled in.

But once we chose a six character password, the button brightened, as shown next, and we were then able to move on to the next step.

17. Touch the  Continue  Button to Keep Going with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

Find the  Continue  button exactly in the center of the screen above, as pointed at by the green arrow.

Tapping   Continue   on the screen above takes you to the   WiFi Password   page, as pictured next.

The -WiFi Password- page. Prompting for a 2.4 Ghz. network passkey, with its password edit box highlighted.

The  WiFi Password  screen prompts you for the password of the WiFi network you want to sign your Instant Pot into.  It’s also the network that your mobile device is connected to at this time.

18. Enter WiFi Password

The edit box you enter the WiFi password into is horizontally center on the screen, and vertically half way between the top of the page and its center.

The Passkey edit box filled In for the 2.4 Ghz. network.

19.  Touch the  Continue  Button

Again, find the  Continue  button exactly in the center of the screen above, as pointed at by the green arrow.

Tapping   Continue  takes you to the   AP Mode   page, as pictured in the next screenshot.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -AP Mode- page with the -Continue- button highlighted.

This pages tells you to make sure your Instant Pot is in APP mode. So, now is a great time to do that.  If your display panel is not showing the letters APP, then your pot is not in APP mode.  So, to get it into APP mode, press and hold in the  Pressure Level  button for around ten seconds, until the pot sounds a single long beep, and the APP letters appear on its screen.

Here is what our smart WiFi Instant Pot looked like when we put it in APP mode.

The Instant Smart WiFi Pot, front view, showing what the LCD screen looks like when the cooker is in APP mode, and ready for WiFi setup.

Now, go back to the Instant Pot app on your mobile device, and continue with the next step.

20. Tap the  Continue  Button to Move On with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

This time, find the   Continue   button near the bottom but in the center of the  AP Mode  screen.

Touching that button then brings up the   Connect to Instant Pot   page, as shown next.

The -Connect To Instant Pot- page.

21. Visit your Mobile Device’s  WiFi Settings Page

When the Instant Pot is in APP (setup) mode, it established an ad hoc WiFi network that you need to setup with the same mobile device you’re running the Instant Pot app on, before starting the next step.

In this demo, we went to Settings->WiFi on the iPad Air, and spotted the Instant Pot’s wireless network, as shown in the next screenshot.  We circled that network in green.  That network is named  Instant_Pot_F0C9D17BEC97.

iOS WiFi settings page, showing an Instant Pot setup network discovered and circled.

22. Connect to the Instant Pot WiFi Network

Tap the pot’s wireless network to connect to it.  It’s unsecured, so you won’t have to enter a password.

When we touched the Instant_Pot_F0C9D17BEC97   network, the Air connected within a couple seconds, and the  Wi-Fi Settings  screen changed to show this connection successfully made, as pictured next, circled.

iOS WiFi settings page, showing connected to an Instant Pot WiFi setup network highlighted.

23. Go Back to the  Instant Pot App to Continue with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

Once you’ve connected your mobile device to the Instant Pot network, close the Settings app and again bring up the Instant Pot app.  You’ll notice that now, the app is trying to activate your pressure cooker on your Instant Pot account.  See this pictured next.  This page shows a mobile phone and a cloud, with a line between them where a blip of light runs back and fourth between them. Presumably, this means that your mobile device, the cooker, and the cloud servers at the Instant Pot company, are exchanging data to create the linkage.

Instant Pot app on iOS, displaying its -Activating Your Smart WiFi- page.

After perhaps fifteen seconds, your cooker connects to the WiFi network you picked when you connected your mobile device to it in step 3 above.

When that happens, you get the  Connection Successful  page, as shown in the next screenshot.

The -Connection Successful- page, with the -Next- button highlighted.

24. Tap the  Next Button

Find the next button near the bottom center of the  Connection Successful   page, pictured just above.

Touching   Next   brings up the   Initial Test Run   screen, as shown next.

Now, if you tap   Continue   on this page, you’ll get instructions on how to conduct this test run.  In short, put a bit of water in the inner pot, lock the lid, and start the pressure cooker to heating.  Eventually, the steam builds up inside, and you can then see the float valve on the lid to pop up, and get a feel for what it’s like to use an electric pressure cooker like this one.

Prompt to do a test run of the pot, with the -Skip Initial Test Run- button highlighted.

But we did not do that exercise for this demo, since you don’t need to do that to get your pressure cooker online, which is our focus in this post.  So instead of touching   Continue,  we move on to the next step, where we tap the   Skip Initial Test Run   button.

25. Tap the  Skip Initial Test Run  Button

This button is found near the bottom and in the center of the page, as pointed at above with the green arrow.

Touching the   Skip Initial Test Run   button brings up the   Before You Begin  page, as shown in the next screenshot.  Here, you can browse through several screens that talk about how to check cooker status and some of the actions you can take with it using the Instant Pot app.  We will not however, show all these windows here.

The -Verify Cooker Status- page, with the -Start Cooking- button highlighted.

26. Touch the  Start Cooking  Button to Continue with Instant Pot WiFi Setup

Find this option near the bottom and horizontally in the middle of the screen, as pictured above.

When you tap the   Start Cooking   button, this takes you to the Instant Pot app’s  Home   screen, as shown next.

The -Home- page with the main menu button highlighted.

27. Check your WiFi Instant Pot’s Cooking Status

To see what the pot, now online, is doing, tap the main menu hamburger control in the top left corner of the app’s Home page, as pointed at above by the blue arrow.

This brings up the main menu, as pictured next.

The main menu with the -My Devices- option highlighted.

28. Touch the  My Devices  Option

We find the   My Devices    item near the left edge of the screen, about a third of the way down from the top.

Tapping this menu item brings up the   My Devices   page, as pictured next.

The -My Devices- list page, with a smart pot online and ready to cook highlighted.

This screen lists all the Instant Pot devices that you’ve configured on your mobile device using the current IP account.  Our cooker, named Carmen’s Instant Pot, appears as ready to cook.

29. You’re Now Done with Instant Pot WiFi Setup !

If you see the screen in the last step, then your Instant Pot WiFi pressure cooker has now been completely setup.  Thus, you can now cook with it via the Instant Pot app.

One final warning though.  You can only access your pressure cooker with one mobile device at a time.  A surprising limitation to be sure, especially since so many internet-enabled devices these days allow multiple devices to log in at the same time.  But we hope they’ll code away this limitation in the app at some point later.

Other Posts About the Instant Pot WiFi Pressure Cooker

  1. Instant Pot WiFi Buttons Guide, Button Meanings
  2. Reset Button on Instant Pot Smart WiFi Cooker
  3. Change WiFi on Instant Pot Smart WiFi Instructions
  4. How to Reset Instant Pot WiFi Pressure Cooker

Related Posts to Instant Pot WiFi Setup

  1. Honeywell Thermostat WiFi Setup RTH8580WF
  2. Ultimate Ears Wonderboom 2 Setup Instructions
  3. Google Home Setup Instructions for their First Speaker
  4. Ultimate Ears Wonderboom Setup Instructions
  5. Gosund Mini WiFi Outlet Setup Instructions

References for Instant Pot WiFi Setup

  1. Instant Products Official Product Web Site

Revision History

  • 2021-08-09: Shortened internal link lists.
  • 2020-07-17: First published.

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