Picture of the Sony SRS X2 Bluetooth speaker charging.

Sony SRS X2 Charging Time

You charge the Sony SRS X2 mini speaker via the micro USB charge port, and to get the quickest charging time and fullest charge, use a medium current USB charger for fastest yet most economical results. Details follow.

Sony SRS X2 Charging Time: How Long to Fully Recharge

According to the specs, and verified by our own tests, the time it takes to charge the X2 is three (3) hours, using a 5 volt, 1.5 amp, 7.5 watt charger. Or, it takes eight (8) hours if using a 5 volt, 500 milliamp, 2.5 watt charger.

How Long it Plays Per Full Charge

On a complete charge, the X2 Sony speaker can play for up to five (5) hours, due to its 3.7 volt, lithium ion battery.  But when you play it loudly, especially with lots of bass, you will see abbreviated playing time.

We’ve seen this Bluetooth speaker run dead in around two (2) hours when played at louder volumes. So to get the longest charge time from it, power saving is critical.  Just play it only as loudly as you need to, to hear it well throughout your listening space.

Picture of the front right of the Sony SRS X2.
Right front view of the Sony SRS X2.

The Charging Time Gets Smaller as the X2 Ages

If you own this speaker over a few to several years, you may notice that the time it plays from a single charge shrinks as the speaker gets older.  This is normal for devices like this one, that rely on lithium ion batteries.

But by fully cycling the battery periodically, you can slow this charge capacity degradation.

To exercise the X2, run the battery fully dead, and then recharge it again. Also, if you store the speaker for long periods, be sure to recharge it every three to six months.

Also, we advise that you avoid leaving the speaker connected to a charger once it reaches full charge.  Right after the charging lamp shuts off, unplug the speaker as soon as you can, to avoid overcharging it and aging the battery prematurely.

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References for Sony SRS X2 Charging Time

    1. Sony SRS X2 Official Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the Sony SRS X2

Revision History

    • 2023-03-09: First published.