Benefits of LED Lighting

These days, it’s hard to justify not switching to LED lighting; especially for larger projects that require many lights, where the lamps are hard to replace. Why not?  Well, in this piece, we cover the Benefits of LED lighting, its advantages, and its features.  These indeed make switching to LED hard to resist. The longer … Continue reading Benefits of LED Lighting

Blue LED Christmas Lights Decorating Outdoors

Blue LED Christmas lights offer perhaps the most vivid blue hues you can get in a highly efficient, low heat holiday light set as the pictures below show. Much more vibrant than incandescent blue Christmas lights, and cheaper to operate as well.  Since blue is our favorite color, we’ve decorated the house with blue light … Continue reading Blue LED Christmas Lights Decorating Outdoors

LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery, Ideas for Use

Here we show our LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery.  These are pictures of some of the LED light bulbs we’ve written about in other posts in this blog.   These all can replace standard incandescent light bulbs,. Indeed there are many pictures here, showing them in their original cartons, chandeliers and various lamp fixtures. LED … Continue reading LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery, Ideas for Use

Outdoor Christmas Light Decorating Ideas

Here we share outdoor Christmas light decorating ideas pictures of some of our outdoor holiday light ideas here. Why?  Because we wish to suggest some possibilities for your next Christmas decorating project with lights. We illustrate some of the many types of LED lights available too.  Finally, we provide general decorating and safety tips for all decorating with Xmas … Continue reading Outdoor Christmas Light Decorating Ideas

Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL Pros and Cons

The energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) has taken the home lighting industry by storm over the past two decades. It’s a smaller version of the ever popular straight and circular fluorescent tube light bulbs.  Here we detail the compact fluorescent lamp advantages and disadvantages. They make compact fluorescent lamps much smaller today.  They’re much brighter per … Continue reading Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL Pros and Cons

Compact Fluorescent Light Problems Discussed

While compact fluorescent light technology has been a drastic advance over those very long glass tubes requiring heavy ballasts to operate, this mode of energy saving lighting still suffers from numerous problems, drawbacks, and limitations.  We detail some of the most prominent of these compact fluorescent light problems below. Compact Fluorescent Light Problems, Cons, Drawbacks, … Continue reading Compact Fluorescent Light Problems Discussed