Here we show our LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery. These are pictures of some of the LED light bulbs we’ve written about in other posts in this blog. These all can replace standard incandescent light bulbs,. Indeed there are many pictures here, showing them in their original cartons, chandeliers and various lamp fixtures.
LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery
Ecosmart LED 60 Watt
Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs, eight bulb package, front view.
The Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulb, held in hand.
Five Ecosmart™ LED 60w A19 daylight white light bulbs, operating in dining room chandelier.
CREE 100 Watt LED Light Bulb
Cree™ 100w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A21 light bulb, original package folded open.
The Cree™ 100w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A21 light bulb, original package back.
Cree™ 100w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A21 light bulb, original package front.
The Cree™ 100w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A21 light bulb, operating In living room lamp.
Cree™ 100w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A21 light bulb, operating In living room lamp, with the shade removed.
CREE LED 60 Watt LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery
The Cree™ 60w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A19 light bulb in original packaging, front view.
Cree™ 60w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A19 light bulb, original package, back view.
Pack of Cree™ 60w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A19 light bulb, folded open.
Cree™ 60w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A19 light bulb, in free standing position.
Lighting facts labeo for the Cree™ 60w LED soft white 2700k dimmable A19 light bulb.
Cree™ 60w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A19 light bulb, operating in bedroom lamp.
The Cree™ 60w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A19 light bulb, operating in bedroom lamp, with the shade removed.
Cree™ 60w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A19 light Bulb, glowing, showing the darker top part of the globe.
LED light bulb in typical household lamp fixture, unlit.
Cree™ 60w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A19 light bulb, held in hand.
The Cree™ 100w LED daylight 5000k dimmable A21 light bulb, held in hand.
Philips LED 100 Watt LED Bulb
Philips LED 100w A19 daylight white light bulb 2-pack, front view.
The Philips LED 100w A19 daylight white light bulb, 2-pack, back view.
Philips LED 100w A19 daylight white light bulb in bedroom lamp, operating.
The Philips LED 100w A19 daylight white light bulb in bedroom lamp with shade removed, Operating.
Philips LED 100w A19 daylight white light bulb, held in hand.
Philips LED 75 Watt LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery
The Philips LED 75w A19 daylight white light bulb 2-Pack, front view.
Philips LED 75w A19 daylight white light bulb 2-pack, back view.
The Philips LED 75w A19 daylight white light bulb, held in hand.
Philips LED 75w A19 daylight white light bulb, operating in a typical living room lamp.
The Philips LED 75w A19 daylight white light bulb, glowing brightly.
GE Bright Stik LED Light Bulb Picture Gallery
GE Bright Stik LED light bulb package front view.
The GE Bright Stik LED Light Bulb, stock picture horizontal 002.
GE Bright Stik LED Light Bulbs, stock picture 001.