Picture of the Wonderboom 3 Bluetooth Pairing button glowing / flashing white.

How to Put UE Wonderboom 3 in Pairing Mode

To pair your UE Wonderboom 3 with a Bluetooth source device for the first time, or to update stale connection information in that device, you have to know how to start pairing mode on the speaker. Why? Because in this mode, the speaker transmits  its name and currently valid connection data over the Bluetooth airwaves, which enables other nearby Bluetooth devices to pair to it.  So in this post, we show you how to put the UE Wonderboom 3  speaker inpairing mode, to allow you to link it with phones, tablets, computers, and smart speakers.

How to Put UE Wonderboom 3 in Pairing Mode: Step by Step

1. Turn On the UE Wonderboom 3

Firstly, turn on the speaker by rapidly pressing its  Power  button.

E.g. See this button that we point at with the yellow arrow, in the next picture.

Picture of the top of the UE Wonderboom 3. Showing the dark -Power- button.
Top view of the UE Wonderboom 3. Showing the dark -Power- button.

The 3  then comes on, as pictured next.

Picture of the white glowing -Power- button.
The white glowing -Power- button.

2. Press the Pairing / Discovery Mode Button for Two to Three Seconds

Secondly, to be able to discover your speaker on your source Bluetooth device, place it in pairing mode. For that, press and hold the the Pairing button, as circled in the next picture.

Picture of the UE Wonderboom 3 Bluetooth Pairing button glowing / flashing white.
The UE Wonderboom 3 Bluetooth Pairing button glowing / flashing white.

When you press this Pairing button, the speaker makes a cool pairing sound. Plus, a lamp in this button starts rapidly flashing white. See this in the last picture, circled in yellow.

3. Done with How to Put UE Wonderboom 3 in Pairing Mode

Finally, while the Pairing button is blinking, the UE Wonderboom 3 is now in pairing mode.  So you should  see your UE Wonderboom 3 on any in-range phone, computer, tablet, or smart speaker, that is within several feet of it, as shown next.

Screenshot of an iPadOS Bluetooth Settings page. Showing the UE Wonderboom 3 as found.
An iPadOS Bluetooth Settings page. Showing the UE Wonderboom 3 as found.

Other UE Wonderboom 3 Posts

    1. Connecting to
    2. How to Turn On
    3. Factory Reset
    4. Reset
    5. Connect Bluetooth


    1. Official UE Wonderboom 3 Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the UE Wonderboom 3