Picture of the Amazon Alexa Echo Dot Gen 2 Speaker measurements, perspective.

Reset Echo Dot 2

You may decide to sell or give your Echo Dot 2 smart speaker to another person. or wish to link it to a different Amazon account, or connect it to a different WiFi network.  Here, we cover the reset Echo Dot 2 procedure, which reloads its factory default settings.

To unlink this device from its current Amazon Alexa account, assure that it forgets the WiFi connection information stored within, and to restore this speaker to factory default (fresh out of the box) values, perform the following procedure.

Note that if you’re just trying to correct erratic behavior of the Echo Dot 2, a complete reset may not be necessary.  So, before resetting, try powering off the unit for fifteen seconds, by unplugging its USB power cable either from the wall outlet, or from the unit itself.  Wait for a quarter minute, and then connect it back up.  This often restores proper operation. But if not, read on for the proper reset procedure.

Once reset, you’ll no longer be able to control the Echo Dot 2 from the account where you controlled it from before, unless you run through the setup procedure again, and relink it to that account via the Alexa app.

Top view of the Echo Dot 2 smart speaker.
Top view of the Echo Dot 2 smart speaker.

Reset Echo Dot 2: Step by Step

1. Attach Power Cable

Connect the speaker to its USB power.

2. Press the Reset Button Combo

Once the light ring goes completely dark, press and hold the Microphone Mute and Volume Down (-) buttons simultaneously for approximately five seconds, until the light ring turns orange, and then blue.

3. Wait for Reset to Complete

After a several-seconds pause, the light ring goes completely dark for a few seconds, and then turns orange.

Picture of the Amazon Echo Dot Gen 2 in Setup Mode, showing Light Ring with orange blip circling.
Amazon Echo Dot Gen 2 in Setup Mode, showing Light Ring with orange blip circling. How to reset Echo Dot 2.

4. What Happens After Reset

Your Echo Dot 2nd Generation smart speaker has now been restored to its factory default settings and has entered setup mode.

5. Pack it Up or Set it Up Again

Front view of the Echo Dot 2 speaker package.
Front view of the Echo Dot 2 speaker package.

You may now feel free to give your dot to another without fear that they’ll have access to the settings on your Amazon account.  Or, you can set it up again on your existing account. Once the light ring turns orange, the unit remains in setup mode until someone executes the published setup procedure.  The Echo Dot 2 will not work until properly set up and linked to an Amazon account.

6. Finished with Reset Echo Dot 2 !

Other Posts About the Echo Dot 2

    1. Power Adapter Specs
    2. How to Pair With Bluetooth Speaker
    3. The Top Panel Buttons Guide and How to Use Them
    4. Reboot Instructions

References for Reset Echo Dot 2

    1. Amazon Echo Dot 2nd Product Page
    2. What is Amazon Echo?   on Wikipedia
    3. Where to Buy an Echo Dot 2