Screenshot of the iPadOS Bluetooth Settings page, showing the Sony SRS XB13 speaker as discovered.

How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable

To pair your SRS XB13 Sony speaker with a Bluetooth device for the first time, or to refresh old connection info in that device, you have to know how to start up discovery mode on this BT speaker.  Now in this mode, the speaker broadcasts its name and currently valid connection information over the Bluetooth airwaves, so that nearby Bluetooth source devices can find and connect to it.  Thus in this post, we show you how to make the Sony XB13 discoverable, to allow you to link it with phones, tablets, computers, and smart speakers.

How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable, Step by Step Directions

1. Turn On the Speaker

Firstly, turn on the speaker by rapidly pressing its  Power  button.

E.g. See this button, pointed out by the green arrow, in the next picture.

Picture of the Sony XB13 Power button. How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable.
Power Button on the Sony XB13.

The speaker then comes on.

The -Power- lamp glowing on the speaker.

2. Press and Hold the Bluetooth Button for Two or Three Seconds

Secondly, this lets you discover your XB13 on your source Bluetooth device. So, place the speaker into discovery mode by pressing and releasing the Bluetooth button, as we point it out in the next picture.

Picture of the -Bluetooth- button.
The -Bluetooth- button.

Additionally, when you press and release this button in a quarter second, the speaker plays a rise-fall beeping sound.

Warning: Do not hold in for much longer than a quarter second, as this triggers stereo pairing mode, which we do not discuss here.

Picture of the -Pairing Status- lamp on the Sony XB13. How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable.
The Sony XB13 -Pairing Status- lamp.

Plus, the Pairing Status lamp begins flashing in a pulse-pulse-pause-pulse-pulse-pause pattern. We point out the location of this light in the last picture.

3. Done with How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable

Screenshot of the iPadOS Bluetooth Settings page, showing the Sony XB13 as discovered.
iPadOS Bluetooth Settings page, showing the Sony XB13 as discovered.

Finally, while the Bluetooth Status lamp is blinking, you should see the XB13 on any in-range phone, computer, tablet, or smart speaker, that is within several feet of it, as we see in the last picture above.  The speaker appears as “SRS-XB13” there.

Related Posts to How to Make Sony XB13 Discoverable

    1. How to Make Sony SRS XP500 Discoverable
    2. How to Make JBL Clip 4 Discoverable
    3. How to Make Sony X11 Discoverable
    4. How to Make Sony X3 Discoverable

Other Sony XB13 Posts

    1. Sony XB13 Buttons Explained
    2. Sony XB13 Blinking Orange Light Problem
    3. Sony XB13 Specs Watts
    4. How to Connect Sony XB13
    5. Sony XB13 Bluetooth Pairing Instructions


    1. Official Sony XB13 Support Page
    2. Where to Buy the Sony XB13

Revision History

    • 2023-03-16: First published.