Sony MDR V700 Headphones Review

We owned the Sony MDR V700 headphones for a few years in around 2004, and review them here. Now we used them with varied CD players, iPod Nanos, headphone amps, and mixers.  Here, we review them. Sony MDR V700 Headphones Review: Summary We were very disappointed with them over all, particularly in how they sounded. But … Continue reading Sony MDR V700 Headphones Review

Sony MDR-V700DJ Headphones Review

We owned the Sony MDR-V700DJ headphones for a few years in around 2004 and we review them here. We used them with many CD players, iPod Nanos, headphone amps, and mixers at our mobile DJ gigs.  Indeed, the ruggedness of the MDR-V700DJ is obvious. But how they sound is far less complimentary. Sony MDR-V700DJ Headphones … Continue reading Sony MDR-V700DJ Headphones Review