How to Clean a Percolator

We’ve brewed several tens of pots of coffee in our Farberware automatic percolator.  We’ve found that without routine cleaning, this appliance becomes stained brown. Then, that unsightliness is hard to clean off if allowed to build up.  Now we wanted to preserve that silver, new look of our stainless steel coffee pot as long as … Continue reading How to Clean a Percolator

Farberware FCP280 Electric Percolator Review

We review the Farberware FCP280 electric percolator here. It indeed well facilitates the continued tradition of fresh-perked coffee into this, the 21st century. Its durable stainless steel construction is polished to a chrome-like gleam on the outside, with a spin-style finish inside.  What it does, it does very, very well; it brews great tasting java. … Continue reading Farberware FCP280 Electric Percolator Review