You want to know how to change Alexa wake word? You can indeed change the wake word that the Alexa enabled speakers respond to when you say it. Current alexa wake word options are, “Alexa…,” “Amazon…,” “Computer…,” and “Echo…” The Alexa wake up word is the name you say to wake up the smart speaker and to start it listening for a follow-up command / question. It’s how you “get her attention”. This setting is not customizable beyond these four choices as of now.
You might wish to change this wake word for a particular Alexa speaker device if you have more than one in the same home. This way, they don’t all respond at once when you call her. This wake word is speaker-specific. So if you have multiple Alexa speakers near each other, you could give each one a different trigger word.
Following are instructions on how to set this watch word for one Alexa device connected to your Amazon account.
How to Change Alexa Wake Word Procedure
1. Locate the Alexa app on your Mobile Device
First, we find ours on the third page of the home screen on our iOS based iPad tablet, as shown next.

2. Then, Run the Alexa App
You should then get the Alexa app Home screen, similar to the picture displayed next.

3. Tap the Settings Option
Settings is highlighted by the pink arrow in the previous picture.
This then brings up the Settings screen, as shown next.

4. Tap the Echo Speaker Device Listed to Continue with How to Change Alexa Wake Word
Then, tap the Alexa speaker whose wake word you wish to change. We’re going to update the Living Room speaker’s trigger word here. So, when we tapped that device on the screen above, we got the following screen back.

5. Tap the Wake Word Link Item
The Wake Word link is pointed at by the pink arrow in the last picture.
You should then see the Change your Wake Word screen, similar to the following.

6. Tap the Wake Word Choices Pull Down Menu Item
This is pointed at by the pink arrow in the last picture.
That menu then expands, and appears as follows.

7. Tap the Wake Word Choice You Wish to Continue with How to Change Alexa Wake Word
In our case, we’re changing our living room speaker to Computer. So, we tap the Computer item on that menu.
Then, this returns us to the Change Your Wake Word screen as follows. But now, the value in the Wake Word Choices pull down combo box is Computer, as shown.

8. Tap the Save Button
Save is highlighted in the last picture.
Then, the Changing Wake Word window pops up briefly, as shown following, and then the Wake Word Changed window appears.

9. Press the Close Button
Finally, your Alexa speaker should now respond to her new wake word. Test it out.
10. Done with How to Change Alexa Wake Word !
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References for How to Change Alexa Wake Word
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- 2019-08-04: Tweaked the targeting for ”, removed ad scripts, and added more tags and links.
- 2018-04-18: Revised post title and content for improved keyword targeting.
- 2017-03-18: Revised the tags list.
- 2017-02-11: Originally published.