Picture of the Honeywell RTH9580WF Wi-Fi thermostat, displaying its -Date/Time- screen.

How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat

.You can manually set the time and day on the Honeywell thermostat. But only when the it has no internet connection. However when it does, it gets the time and day online.  But without WiFi, you can.  Thus, this piece details How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat manually when internet is not available.

How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat: Step by Step

1. Bring Up the Home Screen

Note how it looks in the next picture, when you disconnect the thermostat from the internet.  So no outdoor temperature and outdoor humidity display now.  It is ONLY in this case, that you can change the time and day manually.

Picture of a smart Honeywell thermostat, displaying its Home screen as it appears without internet. Showing the time and day area.
A smart Honeywell thermostat, displaying its Home screen as it appears without internet. Showing the time and day area.

2. Tap the Time/Date Square

This button is where the pink arrow points in the last picture.

Picture of the -Time / Date- screen, showing the -Set Time- button.
The -Time / Date- screen, showing the -Set Time- button.

3. Tap the   Set Time  Button to Continue with How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat

Then tapping the  Set Time  button brings up the  Set Time  screen.

Picture of the -Please Set The Time- screen, showing the green -Done- button.
The -Please Set The Time- screen, showing the green -Done- button.

4. Use the   UP   and   DOWN   Arrow Buttons to Set the Time

Find these controls beside each of the Hour, Minute, and AM/PM fields.  The arrows beside the Hour field increase or decrease the hour number when pressed.  So too do the arrows near the Minute field, for the minute value.  And finally, the AM/PM arrows change the setting of this field from AM to PM and back again.

5.  When the Correct Time Displays, Press the   Done   Button

This returns you to the   Time / Date   screen.

Picture of the -Time / Date- screen showing the -Set Date- button on the Honeywell thermostat.
The -Time / Date- screen showing the -Set Date- button on the Honeywell thermostat.

6. Tap the   Set Date   Button to Move Forward with How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat

See the   Set Date   button location, pointed at by the pink arrow in the previous picture.

This brings up the   Set Date   screen.

Picture of the -Set Date- screen, showing again the -Done- button.
The -Set Date- screen, showing again the -Done- button.

7. Use the   UP   and   DOWN   Arrow Buttons to Set the Date

Find these buttons beside each of the Month, Day, and Year fields.  Pressing the arrows beside the Month field increase or decrease that number. The same with the arrows near the Day-of-the-month field, and the Year value.

8.  When the Right Date Displays, Press the   Done   Button

Then this returns you to the   Time / Date   screen.

Picture of the -Date/Time- screen, showing the -Previous Menu- button.
The -Date/Time- screen, showing the -Previous Menu- button.

9. Tap the   Previous Menu   Button to Continue with How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat

Finally this takes you back to the  Home  screen. Note that the time and day now appear here as you set them.

Picture of the -Home- screen with no internet connection. Showing the manually set time and day.
The -Home- screen with no internet connection. Showing the manually set time and day.

10. Done with How to Reset Time and Day on Honeywell Thermostat !

At last, the thermostat day and time are now as we wish.  But remember that if you connect the thermostat to the internet, this erases your manual date / time settings. Then it updates them to the current date and time.

Other Posts About the Honeywell Thermostat

    1. Honeywell RTH9580WF WiFi Setup Instructions
    2. Change WiFi Network on Honeywell Smart Thermostat RTH9580WF
    3. How to Change Honeywell Thermostat Temperature Setting
    4. Connecting Amazon Echo Dot to Honeywell Thermostats
    5. How to Reset Honeywell Thermostat RTH9580WF


    1. Honeywell Thermostat Official Support Page
    2. Where to Buy a Honeywell Thermostat