Picture of the original Google Home smart speaker, front left view, sitting on desk.

How to Turn On Bluetooth in Google Home

All smart speakers in the Google Home family now support Bluetooth.  They can act as Bluetooth speakers themselves. This allows you to play audio from your phone or other mobile device through them.  Indeed, you get better sound quality through a Google Home.  So in this demo, we prepare the original Google Home to act as a Bluetooth speaker.  For that, we show how to turn on Bluetooth in Google Home.  This makes it discoverable by other Bluetooth devices.

When you enable Bluetooth pairing mode on any Bluetooth speaker, it broadcasts its name.  It also sends out other connection info over the Bluetooth airwaves.  Then, nearby Bluetooth devices can pick up these signals.   They then can connect with the discoverable speaker.  So, to connect, you first must turn on pairing / discovery mode on your Google Home. Here’s how to do that.

We assume that you have set up and connected your Google Home to your Wi-Fi network.  You’ll also need the Google Home app on a mobile device.  You should  connect this app to your Google account.  Then finally, set up your Google Home there.  Do this first, so you can access the Google Home’s Bluetooth settings pages.

Further, make sure that your mobile device connects to the same wireless network as your Google Home. If it isn’t, you won’t be able to manage the speaker’s settings.

Take care of these details now, if not already done.  Then, once complete, proceed with the steps below to enable Bluetooth pairing mode on your Google Home.

How to Turn On Bluetooth in Google Home: Step by Step

1. First, On your Mobile Device, Run the Google Home App 

On our iPad, this app appears on the third home page, as pictured next.

Picture of the Home App entry, as shown on the iOS home screen.
The Home App entry, as shown on the iOS home screen.

The Google Home app home screen then displays, as pictured next.

Picture of the Home app on iOS, displaying its home screen, with the hamburger menu control highlighted.
The Home app on iOS, displaying its home screen, with the hamburger menu control highlighted.

2. Then, Tap the Hamburger Item

Find the hamburger control up at the top left corner of the Google Home app home screen. This brings up the main menu window, as shown next.

Picture of the Home app, showing the Home screen with Devices menu item highlighted.
The Home app , showing the Home screen with Devices menu item highlighted.

3. Next, Tap the  Devices  Menu Item

This brings up the list of Google Home devices that the app knows about, as shown next.  We’ve scrolled down the list of in-network devices and located our Mini, as shown.

Picture of a Google Home speaker, as displayed in the Google Home App. The speaker appears in the Devices list, with its Device Menu location highlighted. Google Home Bluetooth pairing mode.
A Google Home as shown in the Home App. The app here shows in the Devices list, with its Device Menu location highlighted.

4. Then, Tap the Hamburger Menu Link for the Speaker you’re Pairing to Continue with How to Turn On Bluetooth in Google Home

This item we pointed at with the purple arrow in the last picture. The hamburger menu opens, as shown in the next picture.

Picture of a Google Home in the Home app, with its -Settings- menu item circled.
A Google Home in the Home app, with its -Settings- menu item circled.

5. Next, Tap the Settings Item

The Settings menu item is in the hamburger menu as shown in the last picture. It has the purple circle around it. Then,  find the   Device Settings   screen for the specific Google Home. See an example of this in the last screenshot.  These specific setting options appear on the screen shown next. In our case, that device, the Google Home Mini, we named Office Speaker.

Note that we’ve scrolled down to the   Device Settings   section on this screen.  We found the Paired Bluetooth Devices option, as circled in the next picture.

Picture of the Home app, showing the Device Settings screen with the Paired Bluetooth Devices option highlighted.
The Home app, showing the Device Settings screen with the Paired Bluetooth Devices option highlighted.

6. Then, Tap the Paired Bluetooth Devices Item

We circled the Bluetooth Devices menu item in the last picture. The   Paired Bluetooth Devices   screen then appears as shown next. There, we can choose a Bluetooth device from a list of devices that we’ve previously paired with. Since we have never paired with any, the screen is all but entirely blank.

Picture of the Home app, showing the Paired Bluetooth Devices screen, with the Enable Pairing Mode link highlighted
The Home app, showing the Paired Bluetooth Devices screen, with the Enable Pairing Mode link highlighted.

7. Next, Tap the Enable Pairing Mode Link

This puts the Google Home device we’re working with into Bluetooth discovery mode. That is, it will now show up on other in-range Bluetooth devices when they scan for Bluetooth devices. Confirmation shows as a black bar quickly appearing at the bottom of the Paired Bluetooth Devices screen, as shown next.

Picture of the Home app, displaying the Paired Bluetooth Devices screen, showing the Ready To Pair message highlighted. Google Home Bluetooth pairing mode.
The Home app, displaying the Paired Bluetooth Devices screen, showing the Ready To Pair message highlighted.

8. Finally, Your Google Home is now Ready for Pairing

You may now scan for this speaker in the Bluetooth settings on the device you desire to pair with it. Then, it will show up with the same name as you named it when you set it up.  We found our Google Home in our iPad Bluetooth settings, for example, as shown next.

Picture of the iOS Bluetooth Found Devices list, showing our Google Home Mini speaker, circled.
iOS Bluetooth Found Devices list, showing our Google Home, circled.

9. Done with How to Turn On Bluetooth in Google Home

Done!  You may indeed place your Google Home into Bluetooth pairing mode. So you may now connect to it on your source device.

Other Posts About Google Home

    1. How to Set Sleep Timer on Google Home
    2. Google Home Bluetooth Speaker Pairing Instructions
    3. How to Turn On Bluetooth Pairing Mode
    4. Power Supply Specs

References for How to Turn On Bluetooth in Google Home

    1. Official Google Home Support Page
    2. Where to Buy a Google Home