Picture of the "Choose Network Type" screen, displaying on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Wi-Fi Radio.

How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

This post details instructions on how to change the WiFi network on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom internet radio and network music player.

How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom Intro

Here’s the scenario.  You’ve used your Logitech Squeezebox Boom internet radio on the same WiFi network for years.  Never had any problems with it. But either your current router has failed, or you’ve recently upgraded to a better wireless router.  Almost surely, this router will have a different WiFi network name (SSID). Then, a few days after the upgrade, you visit your Squeezebox Boom.  You see it awaiting your commands, as we see next next.  The correct time displays as always, and you settle into your easy chair to jam to some hi-fi internet radio broadcasts.

Picture of the radio in Standby OFF Mode, showing the current time of day on its display.
Logitech SqueezeBox Boom Internet Radio, in Standby OFF Mode, showing the current time of day on its display.

The radio gives no indication of a lost WiFi network connection until you try to play it.  You press a favorite, and then the radio’s vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) screen shows a network / station connection being attempted as pictured next.

Picture of the Boom, attempting to connect to WiFi network.
Logitech SqueezeBox Boom, attempting to connect to WiFi network.

But after a minute or so, the radio’s display reverts to time-of-day once again, as pictured next.  No error message appears though.  It just doesn’t play.  The “Connecting…” message above may time out.  Then the radio goes back into standby / OFF mode.  If this happens, this likely means that it could not connect to the WiFi network it used to.

Picture of the radio screen, after a failed WiFi connection attempt. The screen goes back to the time-of-day clock display mode.
Logitech SqueezeBox Boom, After Failed Wi-Fi Connection Attempt. The screen goes back to the time-of-day clock display mode.

You have to set up a new connection to your WiFi network to listen to your Boom radio.

How to Change WiFi Network on Logitech Squeezebox Boom Instructions Step by Step

We detail how to do this in the following steps.

1. Turn ON the Squeezebox Boom

Initiate that procedure by pressing the power button, located just below the Favorites 1 button, just beneath the VFD screen.

The radio welcomes you to Squeezebox, and then displays the “Squeezebox Setup (1 of 4), Set up networking” prompt, as pictured in the screen shots next.

Picture of the radio prompting to set up networking.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom, Displaying the “Set up networking” Prompt.

2. Press and Release the Knob  

The Choose network Type screen appears as pictured next.  The default setting for this screen, is Connect to wireless network.  So do not turn the knob here. Or if you do, be sure to turn it back to this option.

Picture of the "Choose Network Type" screen.
Choose Network Type Screen on Logitech Squeezebox Boom WiFi radio.

3. Press and Release the Knob Again to Continue with How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

The Choose region/country screen appears, as shown in the next picture.

Picture of the "Choose Region Country" screen.
“Choose Region Country” Screen on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Wi-Fi Internet Radio.

4. Find your Region / Country in the List

Turn the knob until your country / region appears. In this case, ours is, United States and Mexico.

5. Press and then Release the Knob Once More

This starts a scan of the 2.4 Ghz. WiFi band.  This scan builds a list of in-range wireless networks.  You may scroll through these to find yours on the screen you next see.

Note that the Squeezebox Boom does not see 5 Ghz. networks.  So if you have some set up on this band, this radio will not list them.

Picture of the in-range WiFi networks list screen.
In Range Wireless Networks List Screen, on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio.

6. Find the WiFi Network you Want to Continue with How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

At the Choose wireless network screen, turn the knob left and right to find the WiFi network name with which you wish to connect.  We did that on the next screen, and found the 937T671J4059H_2G network SSID.  This is the one we want.

Picture of the In-Range Wireless Networks Screen, with the desired WiFi network selected.
In Range Wireless Networks Screen, with the desired WiFi network selected, on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Internet Radio.

7. Press and Release the Knob

When the WiFi network name you desire appears, press the knob.

The radio then prompts for the WiFi password if the network you chose has one, as shown next.

Picture of the "Enter Network Password" screen.
Enter Network Password Screen, on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom WiFi Radio.

8. Enter the WiFi Password to Continue with How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

Now for each character in the password, spin the knob left or right until the correct character appears.  The row of stars **** then disappears. The characters of your password appear in their places as you enter them.

Press the knob to enter each character once it displays at the insertion point.  This displays the character and moves the insertion point one position to the right.

When you’ve entered all the password characters, press the knob one more time, without choosing any more characters.  This tells the radio that you’re done entering the password.

We entered the password for the 937T681J4059H_2G network we chose in the last step.  Note that the password clearly displays during this process. So don’t do this where people can see it whom you do not wish to know it.   For security reasons, we won’t show the password screen here. Instead, we show you what happens after you hit the knob once you put in the full WiFi password.

The screen then goes blank for several seconds.

Then The Connecting… message reappears. This time though, it shows the target WiFi network.   Shown next.

Picture of the "Connecting..." screen.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, Connecting to New WiFi Network Screen.

9. Wait for the Radio to Connect

We entered the right WiFi password above. So after perhaps thirty seconds, the radio successfully connects to your new WiFi network. It then displays the following screen.

Picture of the "Connected." screen.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, Successfully Connected to New WiFi Network Screen.

10. Press and Release the Knob

At this screen, press the knob, to wrap up the rest of the network setup process.

The following screen then displays.  The next setting tells the radio how to obtain the network IP address.  It can either get it automatically via DHCP, or through manual entry.  In most cases, you’ll want to choose Automatically.  If your network is different, you can manually enter the IP address if you turn the knob to change this setting to Manual.  But we will not show that scenario here.   In our networks, connected devices get their IP addresses automatically. Thus we will NOT turn the knob here.

Picture of the "Obtain IP address automatically" setting screen.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, Displaying the Obtain IP Address Automatically Setting Screen. Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom.

11. Press and Release the Knob Again to Continue with How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

Instead, we accept the default (Automatically) setting, and press the knob to move on to the next screen.

The radio then tries to get its DHCP-assigned IP address, as shown next.

Picture of the "Obtaining an IP address..." screen. Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying the “Obtaining an IP address…” screen.

After some seconds, the Squeezebox gets its IP address. It displays this address on the screen as follows.

Picture of the radio having successfully obtained an IP Address.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, Successfully Obtained IP Address Screen.

12. Press and Release the Knob

From here, press the knob.  The Squeezebox then asks you to Select the music source on the following screen.

Picture of the "Select music source:" screen.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying its “Select music source” screen.

In this demo, we’re not running a local version of the Squeezebox Music Server software.  So the radio displays No Squeezebox Server found message above.

13. Turn the Knob One Notch to the Left or Right

So, we turn the knob to select the Connect to myqueezebox.com internet-based music server, as shown next.

Picture of the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying the Connect To MySqueezebox.com option.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying the Connect To MySqueezebox.com option.

14. Press and Release the Knob to Continue with How to Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

Press the knob again.  You have now successfully completed the Squeezebox Boom’s network changing WiFi routine. So the Setup is complete! screen displays that message.

Picture of the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying the Setup Complete screen.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, displaying the Setup Complete screen.

15. Press and Release the Knob One Last Time

Press the knob one more time. Then the radio reverts to the standby / OFF mode if all went well. The time-of-day clock then appears again, as follows.

Picture of the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, after successful Wi-Fi network setup.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio, after successful WiFi network setup.

16. Test out the Squeezebox Boom Radio

Finally, test the radio by pressing one of the favorites buttons you had previously set up on your other network. Or you can press the Power button.  Then move to the Search option to find an internet radio station, and then play it.  When it plays correctly, you’ll hear it if the volume is turned up a little. The play status then appears on the screen, as follows.

Picture of the Logitech Squeezebox Boom, successfully playing an Internet radio stream.
Logitech Squeezebox Boom, successfully playing an Internet radio stream. Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom.

17. Done with How to Change WiFi on the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Radio !

Your Squeezebox has now been successfully configured to connect to the new WiFi network.

This entire routine takes less than ten minutes normally.

Firmware Versions to which This Scenario Applies

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Other Logitech Squeezebox Boom Posts

    1. Logitech Squeezebox Boom WiFi Internet Radio and Network Music System Review
    2. AC Power Adapter Specs for the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Internet Radio Receiver
    3. Logitech Squeezebox Boom Network Music Player Picture Gallery

References for Change WiFi on Logitech Squeezebox Boom

    1. Squeezebox Boom   Support Web Site
    2. Users Guide
    3. Where to Buy the Logitech Squeezebox Boom