Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleanser Review

Gives our Soft Scrub antibacterial review here. Now We used the various versions of  this product for decades now. And we  find it the versatile, effective but not terribly abrasive  liquid cleaner. Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleanser Review: Intro Here are our detailed thoughts about this handy household cleaning product. Software Antibacterial Cleanser Review: Benefits, Features, … Continue reading Soft Scrub Antibacterial Cleanser Review

Soft Scrub Original Cleanser Review

We’ve used the various versions  Soft Scrub Original Cleanser for decades, and so we review it here. We find this product quite the versatile, effective but not terribly abrasive liquid cleaner. It’s easy on the skin, emits virtually no odors or fumes, and a single bottle has enough product to keep a bathtub clean for … Continue reading Soft Scrub Original Cleanser Review

Soft Scrub Lemon Cleanser Review

Soft Scrub Lemon Cleanser for Bath and Kitchen smells citrusy. You don’t have to worry about splattering it on your clothes.  Why not?  No bleach here.  It’s superb at cleaning off mildew, grease, limescale, and soap scum in the kitchen and bathroom. We’ve used this product since 2013, and find it quite the all around, … Continue reading Soft Scrub Lemon Cleanser Review

Soft Scrub Cleanser with Bleach Review

We’ve tested various versions of  Soft Scrub cleanser with bleach, including this Commercial Solutions potion,  for many years. What we found is that it is quite the versatile, well cleaning, but not too harsh liquid cleanser.  It works well anywhere you need gentle yet scouring powers, like in the kitchen and bathroom. But this cleaner can … Continue reading Soft Scrub Cleanser with Bleach Review

Soft Scrub Oxi Cleanser for Bathroom Review

You apply and clean with Soft Scrub Oxi Cleanser just as you would use other Soft Scrub soft kitchen and bathroom cleanser products. But with this oxi action cleaner, you get the added benefits of oxygen cleaning.  So this product often works better than the others at getting out some stains such as grape juice, … Continue reading Soft Scrub Oxi Cleanser for Bathroom Review