Here, we show how updating firmware on UE Roll works on the this portable Bluetooth speaker. Note that this upgrade can take up to five minutes depending on the speed of your internet. Plus, it cannot easily be undone. So you won’t be able to downgrade to the last firmware version once you complete this updating. Therefore, be sure that you indeed wish the update and have thought through all of its possible problems before going ahead with it.
Updating Firmware on UE Roll: Preparation Steps
You must have an internet connection, a Bluetooth enabled mobile or desktop computer device, and the UE app, as well as the UE Roll.
So before doing anything else, connect your mobile device to the internet and install the UE app if you haven’t already.
Also, plug your UE Roll into AC power. Why? Because we don’t want its battery running low during the updating. Unfortunately, this oversight could corrupt the firmware in the memory, and thus, brick this unit, leaving it useless.
Then, pair your mobile device with the Roll.
You are now ready to begin the firmware updating process.
Updating Firmware on UE Roll: Step by Step
1. Find the UE App on your Mobile Device
We found ours on the fourth home page in our iPad, as seen next.
2. Run the UE App
Secondly, the app finds your paired UE Roll and shows you its status screen. Shown next.
Note the red notification circle with the number 1 inside in the bottom right corner of the page, as circled in green. This means that there are important messages about this unit pending for your to read and act upon.
Note that if there are no current messages or firmware updates, then there will likely be no notifications. The red circle does not appear in that case.
3. Tap the More Hamburger Control to Continue with Updating Firmware on UE Roll
Tapping the More hamburger control brings up the More screen. Note the fourth menu item down from the top, about the UE Roll. This tells us that a firmware update is available.
4. Tap the Update Now Option
Touching Update Now brings up the Updater screen, as shown next.
5. Tap the Install Option
Touching the Install item brings up the UE Roll firmware upgrade confirmation prompt page, as shown next.
6. Touch the Update Button to Continue with Updating Firmware on UE Roll
Tapping Update begins the firmware update process. To show this, the app displays the Update In Progress page, as shown in the next few screen shots.
6a. Updating Firmware on UE Roll Starts
Copying the file from the internet to the unit is the slowest part of the firmware upgrade process. But as shown in these screenshots, the UE app shows a percentage number that increases in value from zero to a hundred percent as the firmware update proceeds.
8b. Firmware Updating at Fourteen Percent Complete
We’re probably about a minute into the firmware updating at this point.
8c. Firmware Updating at Half Done as Updating Firmware on UE Roll Continues
The next screen shows that the UE Roll firmware updating process is fifty percent finished.
8d. Updating Firmware on UE Roll Done, Unit Now Rebooting
9. Wait for the Roll to Finish Restarting
Watch the power light as shown next. After a bit, it goes dark, as shown next, pointed at by the green arrow.
The Roll may or may not turn itself back on again. Ours did. But if yours did not power up again after the upgrade, then go ahead with the next step (Step 10). But if yours DID come online again, then skip Step 10 and pick up with Step 11.
10. Power On the Unit to Continue with Updating Firmware on UE Roll
Press the dark Power button to turn ON the unit again. It should again pair with your mobile device where you’re running the UE app. The Power button turns solid white, as shown next.
Also, the Bluetooth button glows solid white as shown above, circled, when the Roll pairs with a source Bluetooth device.
11. The Roll Powers Up Again
Once the UE Roll comes back on after updating the firmware finishes, the UE app shows a firmware update success message, as seen next.
The app then displays the UE Roll status screen once again. But now, please note that there’s no longer the red circle symbol as shown next. This means that the firmware update succeeded. So the unit is now running the current firmware version.
12. Done with Updating Firmware on UE Roll !
Finally, you have now successfully updated the firmware to the latest version in your UE Roll.