Picture of an iPhone beside a JBL Flip 6 speaker.

How to Pair JBL Flip 6 to iPhone

Shows how to pair a JBL Flip 6 to the iPhone to get louder and better sound. Note however that the Flip 6 is not a power bank. So you cannot charge your phone from it.  But you can pair it to the phone for really great sounding tunes.

How to Pair JBL Flip 6 to iPhone: Step by Step

So with your Flip 6 powered OFF, run through this routine to pair it to your iPhone.

Picture of the dark -Power- button on the JBL Flip 6.
The dark -Power- button on the JBL Flip 6.

1. Navigate to the Home Screen on the iPhone

Firstly at the lock screen, swipe up from the bottom. This to bring up the phone’s Home screen, or press the Home button if your phone is older.

2. Find the Settings App

Then we find ours on the second page of the home screen.

The -Settings- app icon on the iPhone 12 Pro Max -Home- screen.
iPhone -Home- screen showing the -Settings- app.

3. Bring up the Settings App

Tap the Settings app icon.

Screenshot of the -Bluetooth- option on the iPhone 12 Pro Max -Settings- page.
iPhone 12 Pro Max -Settings- page, showing the -Bluetooth- option.

The phone then displays the first page of its settings.

4. Go to the  Bluetooth  Page to Continue with How to Pair JBL Flip 6 to iPhone

Then tap the Bluetooth item.  Our Bluetooth screen then displays, similar to the following.

Screenshot of the -Bluetooth Settings- page on an iPhone 12 Pro Max smart phone.
The iPhone  -Bluetooth- page.

Note that our Bluetooth is ON here. But if yours shows as OFF, then move the switch item to the ON position.

Now since the Flip 6 is currently OFF, it does not show up in the Bluetooth devices list. Also, we don’t see it since we’ve never paired  it with this iPhone before.

5. Turn On your Speaker

So turn on this unit by quickly pressing its Power button. The speaker then boots and that button starts glowing white.

Picture of the glowing -Power- button.
The glowing -Power- button.

The speaker then powers up and makes a rising guitar strum sound.

But since the iPhone does not know about this Flip 6, it will not pair to it automatically. The light in the Pairing  button denotes this not-paired state by either remaining dark, or by quick flashing.

Picture of the -Bluetooth Pairing- button blinking.
The -Bluetooth Pairing- button blinking.

6. Start Bluetooth Pairing Mode

So to see your Flip 6 on your mobile device, start up pairing mode on it. To do that, press the Pairing button. It’s the rightmost button in the buttons island. So it’s right of the Power button, and left of the battery meter.

The speaker then plays the single note guitar sound. Also the Pairing button starts fast blinking white.

7. Find your Speaker on the Phone to Continue with How to Pair JBL Flip 6 to iPhone

Screenshot of the JBL Flip 6 showing as Discovered on the iPhone.
The JBL Flip 6 shows as Discovered on the iPhone.

8. Next, Pair with the Speaker

So tap the JBL Flip 6 entry in the Other Devices list.

Your iPhone then pairs with the Flip (named “JBL Flip 6” here). The mobile device’s Bluetooth screen then changes to look something like the following.

Screenshot of the JBL Flip 6 now showing as Connected.
The JBL Flip 6 now showing as Connected.

9. Done with How to Pair JBL Flip 6 to iPhone !

At last, we have a pairing with this BT speaker. Furthermore, similar routines work with iPod Touch, iPads, and any iPhones as well. Also, pairing with Android devices works like this too.

Other Posts About the JBL Flip 6

    1. Party Mode Explained
    2. How to Tell if JBL Flip 6 is Charging
    3. Bluetooth Pairing Instructions
    4. The Volume Control Explained
    5. How to Reset


    1. JBL Flip 6 Official Product Page
    2. iPhone Official Product Page

