We show here how to reboot an Alexa Echo Dot series smart speaker if it behaves strangely, stops answering commands and questions, puts out unusual sounds, and so on. And since Alexa speaker rebooting is so easy, then before getting into any pro level troubleshooting, always try a speaker reboot first. This often straightens out many problems such as WiFi linking issues.
Plus, a simple reboot may avoid the perhaps unnecessary effort of master resetting your speaker. Avoiding that hardship is helpful because If you reset, then you’ll need to set up your speaker again. So rebooting first is a time-saving step, especially if it fixes the problems you’re trying to solve, without erasing any settings or account information that a full reset does.
How to Reboot Alexa Echo Dot
We demonstrate this on the Alexa Echo Dot 3 model.
Unplug the Unit fromPower
If you’re near the speaker, you can just unplug it from AC.
2. Then Wait a Quarter Minute
Pause for ten seconds or so while the speaker’s RAM memory settles down and the system completely powers OFF.
3. Next, Power the Speaker Back Up Again to Continue with How to Reboot an Alexa Echo Dot
Then plug the speaker back in again to mains power.

4. Wait for the Unit to Finish Booting
The speaker completes rebooting in less than a minute, and you’ll know when it’s finished when the light ring goes completely dark, as shown next.

5. Test Out the Alexa Echo Dot
Once the speaker shows as online in the Alexa app and the light ring goes out, reboot has finished successfully, and you can try some commands and questions.
6. Done with How to Reboot an Alexa Echo Dot Assistant
Hopefully, rebooting heals any issues you had. If not though, then you could try more involved steps. E.g. Like factory resetting your speaker, and then setting it up again as though it was fresh out of the box. See our links in the sections below for details on how to take those more drastic measures. Good luck.
How to Reboot the Alexa Echo Dot Remotely
We know of no way to accomplish remote rebooting of this speaker at this time.
Related Posts to How to Reboot Alexa Echo Dot
Other Posts About the Alexa Echo Dot Speaker
- Alexa Echo Dot Reset Instructions
- How to Restart Alexa Echo Dot Speaker
- Alexa Echo Dot WiFi Setup Instructions
- Alexa Echo Dot Spotify Instructions, Setup, Play
- Hard Reset Alexa Echo Dot Instructions
References for How to Reboot Alexa Echo Dot Alexa Speaker
Revision History
- 2021-09-10: Added the Suggested Reading section.
- 2020-09-15: First posted.