Tag: Amazon Echo Reset Button

  • Echo Sub Reset Instructions

    Echo Sub Reset Instructions

    Here, we show the Echo Sub reset instructions for this Alexa smart sub woofer to restore it back to factory default operation.  But why would you ever do this?  Well, you may decide to sell or give this smart speaker to another person.  Or link it to a different Amazon account.  Or connect it to…

  • Reset Echo 3rd Generation Speaker Instructions

    Reset Echo 3rd Generation Speaker Instructions

    We offer here our Amazon Echo 3rd generation speaker reset instructions here.  So why would you ever reset this speaker? Well, you may later decide to sell it. Or perhaps when Christmas comes, you might wish to gift your Echo 3 to another person. Then too, you might decide to connect it to a new…

  • Amazon Echo Buttons Guide

    Amazon Echo Buttons Guide

    An Amazon Echo features several buttons and a light ring around its top as have its earlier versions.  In this guide, we explore the Amazon Echo buttons and input and output ports.  We show  where each one is on the speaker. We then discuss what each button / plug is for, and when to press…

  • Amazon Echo Buttons

    Amazon Echo Buttons

    An Amazon Echo speaker features several buttons and a light ring around its top as have its earlier versions.  In this piece, we explore the Amazon Echo buttons and input and output ports.  We show  where each one is on the speaker. We then discuss what each button / plug is for, and when to…

  • Echo Sub Reset Button Location

    Echo Sub Reset Button Location

    Here, we show Echo Sub reset button location for the Amazon Alexa subwoofer. Further, you press and hold the button to hard reset the Sub. For more details on how the button works, see our  Echo Sub Reset Instructions, How to Reset Alexa Woofer   post. Echo Sub Reset Button Location: Where to Find It To…

  • How to Reset Amazon Echo 1 Speaker

    How to Reset Amazon Echo 1 Speaker

    Some problems you can fix with just booting the speaker. But when you must reset, come here to see how to reset the Amazon Echo Gen 1 smart speaker. But If you just want to fix strange errors on the speaker though, a reset may be too drastic.  Why?  Because a full hard reset means…

  • Echo Gen 2 Reset Button, Where to Find It

    Echo Gen 2 Reset Button, Where to Find It

    This post shows where the reset button is on the Echo Gen 2 smart speaker. On this speaker though, we find no separate reset button.  Instead, you press the Mic Off and Volume Down (-) buttons on the top of the unit are pressed and held down at the same time to start a factory…

  • Amazon Echo Reset Button, Where to Find It

    Amazon Echo Reset Button, Where to Find It

    We find the Amazon Echo reset button on the generation one (original) Alexa Echo smart speaker on the underside of the unit.  E.g. See this pointed at by the purple arrow in the next picture. Note that the button is easy to get to, once you turn the speaker upside down. Furthermore, just sit the…